J.X. WILLIAMS Les dossiers interdits
Noel Lawrence, head of The J.X. Williams Archive, who had some stunning shows at the 5th Berlin International Directors Lounge published his first book, “J.X. Williams: Les Dossiers Interdits,"in France very recently.
Along with providing the first comprehensive analysis of J.X. Williams’ life and work in cinema, the book contains revelations on Sammy Davis Jr., Roy Cohn, Sam Giancana, and many other legendary figures of the American underworld and counterculture.
Without J.X. Williams, the face of contemporary cinema would not be the same. His shadowy influence turns up in Tarantino, Scorsese, Kubrick, and even Godard again and again like a bad penny. Despite the best efforts of Hollywood to keep its most notorious skeleton buried deep in the closet, Williams is back with a bang!
Aided and abetted by cultural impresario Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe as well as a crack team of cinephiles and cineastes. Noel Lawrence reconstructs the story of J.X. in lurid detail. Besides documenting the first on-the-record statements from Williams in over 25 years, the book contains fascinating revelations on Sammy Davis Jr., Roy Cohn, Sam Giancana, and other notable figures of the American underworld and counterculture.
Contributors include Jean-Pierre Dionnet (comic book legend and co-founder of Heavy Metal), Josh Olson (screenwriter, "A History of Violence”), Richard Gaitet (editor-in-chief, Standard), Jesse Nathan (editor, McSweeney’s), Pierre Mikailoff (author, “Some Cliches”) and many more!
Commentary and acclaim for J.X. Williams…
“A spiritual vortex of sub rosa Americana.”
– Paul Cullum, The New York Times
“Underground movies cannot dig much deeper than those of J.X. Williams.”
– Steve Dollar, The Wall Street Journal
“A musician friend once observed that the most intriguing artists don’t just create individual pieces; they’re iconic figures who project a philosophy or personality, a life force that becomes a conceptual umbrella covering everything they make. J.X. Williams, a cult filmmaker, conspiracy theorist, enemy of the Mafia and the FBI, and all-around outlaw visionary, is that sort of figure.”
– Matt Zoller Seitz, Salon.com
“A fascinating book to understand the dark side of the entertainment industry. The true face of the American dream finally revealed!”
– Camion Noir
While this book is in French-language only, German and U.S. editions should be soon to folllow.
Sans J.X. Williams, le visage du cinéma contemporain aurait été différent. Quentin Tarantino, Scorcese, Kenneth Anger et même Godard lui doivent beaucoup. Pendant des décennies, l’œuvre du sulfureux J.X. Williams à été occultée. F.B.I, C.I.A, mafia, loges occultes et gros poissons d’Hollywood ne souhaitaient pas que J.X. Williams remonte à la surface. Trop tard, Noel Lawrence, Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe assistés d’auteurs talentueux (Jean-Pierre Dionnet, Elisabeth Barillé, Jean Mareska, Richard Gaitet, Pierre Mikaïloff, Jean-Yves Guilleux, Bernard Bacos , Saladin Sane, Alain Thierry et Xavier Sanjuan) lèvent enfin un coin du voile. Un ouvrage fascinant pour comprendre la face cachée de l’industrie du divertissement. Le vrai visage de l’american dream enfin révélé !