Directors Lounge Screening
Anastasia Freygang
immer Auge (stimmen hören)
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Bergstraße 2
10115 Berlin-Mitte
immer Auge (stimmen hören) – always the eyes (hearing voices)
Anastasia Freygang shows videos and reads out her texts. The artist, who does not want to call herself a video artist or filmmaker, for several years now experiments with video, which she captures in ordinary life or during meetings with artists and friends. For her, video is a tool to communicate with people, mostly as part of live events.
Freygang has been working on a diversity of fields like poetry, performance, photography and, most importantly, on collaborations exploring and making available places in the city, which would otherwise be empty and forgotten. In these temporary projects, encompassing places in Paris, London, Berlin and Antwerp, she has mostly taken up the role of the curator even though she has included her own art as well. Her kind of collaborative and collective art appears to be very upfront in the arts of today. Her videos on the other hand seem to have references in the earlier avant-garde. For a longer period of time, she has recorded her videos on digital tape without further editing, but combines them live with her poetry. Some parts of the work at DL-screening will feature videos that have been recorded and edited in Berlin, the city where she was growing up after immigrating from moscow. They therefore have an almost autobiographic quality. This may be connected with being back, while living at the same time a cosmopolitan life in several cities, mostly London.
“Old Town DJ” and “Vertical Horizontal (extended)” both remind me of early films of Jonas Mekas. While his sometimes rough recordings of daily life and art events of 1960’s in New York had their origin in his will of understanding his new surrounding as an emigrant from Lithuania, on the other hand, Anastasia’s will is to make people listen in this time of every-day-tohubohu audio-visual and text messaging. Her audiovisual messages of text and film on the other hand, also seems to be driven by a restless will to see, to create relations and meaning, not so different to the style of Beat, whose writers hacked down the words similar to a voice recorder recording the uttered streams of consciousness.
We are looking forward to meeting you at this video and live poetry event at Z-Bar.
Please note the early beginning (20:00 instead of 21:00)
The artist will be present. Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Artist Link:
Directors Lounge http://www.directorslounge.net
Richfilm http://www.richfilm.de/currentUpload/
Z-Bar http://www.z-bar.de