Directors Lounge Screening:

Doris Schmid

Thursday, 25 September 2014
Bergstraße 2
10115 Berlin-Mitte

The artist Doris Schmid, who lives in Berlin, works in very subtle ways with the meaning of images, and against it. She uses the instance of implied narratives, or better saying the seduction of narration as an opportunity to enhance other image qualities such as perceptions of time, augmented spacial illusions, the vanishing of the image, or its apparition. Schmid for this purpose uses layering of video images, and then condenses them by a meticulous editing process.

Layers bring different or similar images together and create a multi-dimensional image composition. Initially however, the layers are being created by projecting on 3-dimensional surfaces, instead of digital compositing. These surfaces may be hand-made cut-outs that look like drawings from stills, or they may be moving surfaces, projections from a car or a train onto houses; but they are always closely related to the moving image in some ways. The final videos seem to have an analogue and performative quality, and they thus unsettle the common image perceptions of film.

The artist will be available for Q&A. Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr.

Artist Links:

Directors Lounge

Directors Lounge Screening:

Bernd Lützeler
Filmi Fundas

Donnerstag, 28. August 2014
Bergstraße 2
10115 Berlin-Mitte

Bernd Lützeler
with Eric Wilhelm Da Cruz

Bernd Lützeler arbeitet als Künstler und Filmemacher sowohl mit analogem Film, als auch mit digitalen Medien. In seinen Arbeiten beschäftigt er sich mit der Ästhetik und Wahrnehmung von Bild und Ton und deren Wechselwirkungen mit Technologie und Gesellschaft. Ein weiterer thematischer Schwerpunkt sind die unterschiedlichen Erscheinungsformen des bewegten Bildes in der indischen Alltagskultur. Diese Themen setzt er nicht nur in linearen Filmprojekten, sondern auch in Film- und Raum-Installationen um. Einige der heute präsentierten Arbeiten sind aus Kollaborationen mit anderen Künstlern hervorgegangen, u.a. mit Kolja Kunt und mit seinem langjährigem Kollegen Eric Wilhelm da Cruz, der darüber hinaus auch einen eigenen Film zeigen wird.


Bernd Lützeler, artist and film enthusiast who works with Super-8 and 35mm, also combines film and video in multi media installation work. In his work he is concerned with sound and image as distinct interfering media and their relations with technology and society. Also, he takes a specific interest in aspects of the audio-visual pop culture of India. He is a strong collaborator in order to create and exhibit. He worked with Kolja Kunt and Eric Wilhelm da Cruz on several projects. Part of the presentation will be an adapted super-8/video live show of “Eternal Showdown”, and a film by his colleague Eric Wilhelm da Cruz.

Artist Links:

Directors Lounge