The Dream Of The Japanese Beauty | André Werner

A fairy at the fair  The Dream Of The Japanese Beauty  shown as part of the opening of the c.a.r., the contemporary art Ruhr on Fri. Oct 30th The Dream Of The Japanese Beauty, André Werner, 2009Installation, overhead transparency, water, feather, vibrator, light, dimensions variable .

The Dream Of The Japanese Beauty  shown as part of the opening of the c.a.r., the contemporary art Ruhr

The Dream Of The Japanese Beauty, André Werner, 2009
Installation, overhead transparency, water, feather, vibrator, light, dimensions variable


The Japanese Guerilla Paparazzi World Tour | Julia Murakami

TV slide viewer, 2009


Elle Burchill, F.Y.S.

Richard O’Sullivan, Fragments of the Los Angeles River

The Urban Research Loop Program is shown on different screens and different days, each. On request, it is also possible to set certain films up on screen.

part 1:

Anna Staffel DE Documenta 12 13min 23sec 2009

Ashley Pigford US Providence 3min 04sec 2007

Chris Henschke AU Walls of Berlin 1min 00sec 2010

Christina McPhee US Tesserae-Yellow Tahiti Substation Foods 4 Less 3min 48sec 2009

Elham Rokni IL Drive! 1min 32sec 2008

Elle Burchill US F.Y.S. 7min 36sec 2007

Ivar Smedstad NO mekanisk<->organisk 5min 06sec 2009

Katerie Gladdys US Stroller Flaneur 4min 00sec 2009

Konstantinos-Antonios Goutos DE after caspar david friedrich  8min 14sec 2007

Marina Chernikova NL Urban Surfing  03min 10sec 2007

Pablo Useros ES Found People Movements – Descend, 5 Nov Plaza Castilla, The Human Race 11min 00sec 2009

Pablo Useros ES Found People Movements –The Human Race 11min 00sec 2009

Pablo Useros ES Found People Movements –5 Nov Plaza Castilla 11min 00sec 2009

Paul Clipson US CHORUS 7min 00sec 2009

Pierre Yves Clouin Fr Crossing 1min 13sec 2008

Rinat Edelstein IL long distances 13min 38sec 2007

Sari Carel US Olive Glove 8min 10sec 2009

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne DE Radio Flyer 5min 20sec 2009

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne DE Urban.early sunday morning_raw 4min 30sec 2007

part 2:

Adam Kossoff UK Not Our Darkness 25min 05sec 2009

Arne Bunk DE bühne:wolfsburg 15min 00sec 2009

Felix Lenz DE “What is a Minute, Lumère?” 48min 00sec 2009

Lothar Schuster DE Fensterblicke 30min 00sec 2009

Michael Schuwerk US Happiness is the Right Choice 13min 51sec 2009

Richard O’Sullivan  UK Fragments of the Los Angeles River 46min 00sec 2009

Simon Tarr US Giri Chit 14min 21sec 2009

David Gunn / Guillermo Brown UK Open Cities / Porto (excerpt) 06min 00sec 2009

For more information and videostills about the Urban Research Loop Program
click here

Sat 20th 8 pm


Andreas Gogol and Telemach Wiesinger (shown here), both regulars at Directors Lounge will present a fresh live performance of short 16mm and audio sequences.

Seit nunmehr 5 Jahren verknüpfen Telemach Wiesinger (Kinematographie)
& Andreas Gogol (Klangbilder) 16mm Film & analogen Live Ton zu einer
einzigartigen Verbindung. Mit ihrem Programm “LANDED TAKES & SOUND
TIMES” gewannen Sie den Team-Work Award des Stuttgarter Film-
Festivals für Expanded Media.
In Ihrer neuen Live-Performance präsentieren die beiden Bildenden
Künstler ein Konzentrat Ihrer bisherigen Zusammenarbeit aus Film und
Klang in weiterentwickelter Form. Immer variierend zusammengefügt und
anders interpretiert erfindet sich jede Aufführung dadurch neu.
Telemach Wiesinger schickt das Publikum mit zwei tragbaren 16mm
Projektoren und seinen Film-Takes auf Reisen in ferne Gebiete.
Andreas Gogol verspricht eine Verschmelzung aus 4 Track Tapes plus
live-Mikrofon. Bei “TAKES & TAPES” schliessen sich die Beschleunigung
und Reduktion nicht aus.

Sat 20th 9:30 pm

Johannes Backes DE Rückbau des Palastes der Republik  11min 21s  2006 – 2009

Claudia Guilino DE Abgesang, kupferfarben  3 min 52s 2009

Det Snurrar I Min Skalle 3 min 51s 2007 Familjen

Miguel Machado PT  And Then You Smile  7min  2008

Artur Klosinski PL    Paris     12min 03s 2009

Make the Girl Dance FR Baby Baby Baby 4min 21s 2009
Make the Girl Dance

Jonas Meier CH One Up Down Left Right 3min 30s 2009

Heiko Daxl DE   Bellevue  2min 30s    2009

James Snazell GB Scape 7 min

Thorsten Fleisch DE Dromosphäre  10 min 02s 2010

Heidi Neubauer-Winterburn FR/US The Cutter-off of water 4min 11s

Jakob Kirchheim DE Im Schnee 2 min 11s 2006

Antoine Hilaire FR Cross the Fader 3min 26s 2008  Jamaica

Dan Lowe GB Planets 3min 44s 2008

Milos Tomic CZ Dlake (Hairs) 3min 15s 2007
Ridina Ahmedova

Pasha Е RU Роботы  4min 49s 2009

Franz Wanner pitrs 1 min 11s

Sat 20th 11 pm

Babel Embassy vocalist and dancer Broziom sings in fantasy lyrics he describes as dada speak, although it sometimes sounds like segments of real languages. On stage he and dancer Eva Blaschke present a performance influenced by Laban and Butho techniques, accompanied by guitarist Marcin Dworski’s strange soundscapes. In his own words, “Babel Embassy is the sound life: Absurd, funny, and sometimes dark, a danceable pageant!”

Babel Embassy mit ihrem – Ethnotronic Dadawave – bieten den Soundtrack zu den Eruptionen des Kulturkrampfes, dessen Irrwitz durch die Tanzperformance vom Sänger Brozio und der Tänzerin Eva Blaschke drastisch vor Augen geführt wird. Broziom singt und babbelt in einer dadaartigen improvisierten Fantasiesprache. Der Ausnahmegitarrist Marcin Dworski haucht dabei den elektronischen beats und sounds Leben ein: Ein absurdes, witziges, düsteres, tanzbares Spektakel!

Fri 19th 6:00 pm

With urban interventions, artists try to play a more active role in society than just showing in a gallery space. The reasons and aims can be manyfold. Some artists see themselves as “political activist” and try to change politics and society; others just try to reach a different, more divers audience; or, they like to realize a seemingly impossible dream. All of them, however – even if the respective intervention is just the presence of the recording camera – share visions and ideas about urban life, on how to connect life, soul, street, architecture and society. And those inspirations may be infectious, beware!

Tom Skipp ES Stormwater / Estanque de tormentas 14min 23sec 2009

Jeanne Liotta US sutro 02min 53sec 2008

Vassiliea Stylianidou DE/GR Im Park 08min 30sec 2009

Clemens Fürtler A BILDMASCHINE 03 04min 30sec 2010

Riccardo Iacono UK Missing 04min 12sec 2007

Paul Clipson US CHORUS 07min 00sec 2009

Roberto Duarte DE/CL Reflektionen 06min 50sec 2009

Mischa Leinkauf + Mathias Wermke DE Zwischenzeit 06min 32sec 2008

Patrick Tarrant AU Stepping Down 09min 30sec 2010

Pablo Useros ES Found People Movements – This is a Political Film 10min 06sec 2009

Anja Abele DE Institut Orange: Die Geh Dreh Schau Bewegung 00min 31sec 2009

Anja Abele DE Institut Orange: Das Ticket Stempeln 00min 56sec 2010

Roch Forowicz PL Interception 05min 20sec 2007-2009

Vassiliea Stylianidou Im Park

For more information on the Urban Research program
Link click here:

Fri 19th 8 pm

Curated and presented by Thomas Zandegiacomo de Bel

Assorted highlights from the biannual ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival which has established itself as an international forum for short films that deal with the content, aesthetics or form of poems.

Between Shower And Shower by Yu Ya-Chen

Je liegt en je filtert, Poet: Paul Bogaert

Ein Übungsdiktat. Mädchen in einer schulischen schwarz-weiß Kulisse.
A dictation exercise. Girls in an educational black&white setting.

Chernobyl, Poet: John Giorno

Tiefgründige Vorschläge, deren Ziel es ist, die Angst vor nuklearen Katastrophen zu zerstreuen.
Deep suggestions aiming to dissipate the fear of a nuclear catastrophe.

Ma kuklas tunnen, Poet: Jüri Ürdi

Bevor Blicke anderen Blicken begegnen, werden sie niedergeschlagen.
Before eyes meet other eyes they are cast down.

One Miles Platting Station, Poet: Simon Armitage

Eine poetische Reise nach Manchester.
A poetic journey to Manchester.

Qué se ama cuando se ama, Poet: Gonzalo Rojas

Über den metaphysischen Sinn von Liebe, reisend durch die Erinnerung zweier Liebenden.
About metaphysical sense of love, travelling through the memory of two

The Acrobat, Poet: Ryan Kamstra

Eine Beziehungserörterung von Gravitation und Politik – die Schönheit und die Notwendigkeit des Aufstiegs.
A consideration of the relationship of gravity and politics – the beauty
and necessity of rising up.

On Death, Poet: George V. Markis

Der Geist eines kleinen Jungen treibt sich in einer Stadt umher.
The ghost of a little boy drifts around the city.

Mainos asuntolainasta, Poet: Eino Santanen

Es geht schon auf acht am Abend zu, aber von der Liebe ist auch noch etwas da.
It is already approaching eight in the evening but there is still some
love left.

Good Morning, America, Poet: Carl Sandburg

Was verehren wir? Gott, Land oder die Schnelligkeit?
What do we worship; God, country or speed?

Between Shower and Shower, Poet: Yu Xia

Einsamkeit ist ein wichtiger Gegenstand innerhalb und außerhalb der Bilder des Films.
Loneliness is an important topic inside and outside the pictures of the

Nachash Nachash, Poet: T. Carmi

Eine chaotische, hoffnungslose Tänzerin versucht die bösen Mächte zu beschwören.
A chaotic, desperate dancer tries to conjure up the forces of evil.

Palimpsest, Poet: André Corboz

Das Land, beschaffen aus uraltem Schichtwerk, wird unentwegt von seinen Bewohnern gelesen.
A land, consisting of millenial-old shifts, is read by its occupants

Kom leg uw hoofd neer, Poet: Miguel Declercq

Zwei Männer schlafen Hand in Hand. Was ist ihre Geschichte?
Two men are sleeping hand in hand. What’s their story?

Cul de sac, Poet: Benedict Newbery

Über das Kleinstadtleben und seine Menschen.
About small town and its people.

Jeder Text ist ein Wortbruch, Poet: Kathrin Schmidt

Fragmente alter Filme, deren Filmschicht bis zur Unkenntlichkeit zerfallen ist und neue Formen bildet.
Fragments of old films whose emulsion has crumbled though creating new

Coach No 143, Poet: Vladislav Drozhashikh

Was wird ein Menschenleben im 20. Jh. bedeuten, und was kann der Mensch vom 20. Jh. erwarten?
What will human life mean in the 20th century and what can we expect from
the 20th century?

Paul Bogaert NL Je liegt en je filtert 2min 40s 2007

Antonio Poce IT Chernobyl 4min 2007

Priit Pärn, Olga Marchenko EE Ma kuklas tunnen 2min 2007

Kate Jessop GB One Miles Platting Station 2min 32s 2007

Cristían Tàpies Goldenberg CL Qué se ama cuando se ama 1min 23s 2006

Chris Kennedy US The Acrobat 6min 2007

Anastassios Langis GR On Death 6min 24s 2007

Akseli Tuomivaara FI Mainos asuntolainasta 3min 27s 2005

Dikran Janus Kadagian US Good Morning, America 6min 43s 2007

Yu Ya-Chen TW Between Shower and Shower 5min 40s 2007

Avi Dabach, Iris Erez IL Nachash Nachash 6min 38s 2008

Eva Sommeregger AT Palimpsest 2min 40s 2008

Wouter Sel BE Zuurstokkleuren 2min 5s 2006

Sandra Ensby GB Cul de sac 2min 11s 2008

Betina Kuntzsch DE Jeder Text ist ein Wortbruch 6min 50s 2008

Viktor Naymushin RU 143-i Vagon 3min 48s 2008

Fri 19th 10:15 pm

Unnatural resources is a small selection of works which are dealing with the human dilemma between whether to detach or immerse itself from the environment that has been defined (by the humans) as ´nature´.

Juha van Ingen FI Nature Morte 4min 30sec 2007
Seppo Renvall FI Nature 23min 00sec 2010
Mi Duncker FI Aluminium 4min 35sec 2003
Erkka Nissinen FI Night School 12min 50sec 2007
Kari Yli-Annala FI A Life of One´s Own 9min 00sec 2008

Unnatural resources includes a brand new 20 min brilliant work by Seppo Renvall called “Nature”, Erkka Nissinen´s hilarious 12 min work “Night School” (2007) about ´exercises for assimilation into a total institution´ (Nissinen) and other works by FixC artists.

Helsinki-based FixC is an independent artists co-operative, which was launched in april 2007 to generate, distribute and promote video art, media art and experimental cinema and to produce curated touring exhibitions, arrange screenings and special venues with artists talks.

Fri 19th 11:30 pm

“Panic! It sounds like a toy box turned up side down.
How can she make such pretty & chaotic sounds!?
I love it!”
– Ryuichi Sakamoto

What on earth is a kyoka?

Simply a solo artist whose cut-up-and-dance laptop electronica suggests more screws loose than fully tightened? Her style has seen her labelled as anything from a pop idol to a noise artist. And as it is usually the way, the truth lies somewhere in between. Starting her solo career at university as a side-project to her school band, Kyoka quickly found herself favouring ever-more unusual outlets for her scatterbrain sound. Finding J-pop utterly unpalatable, she began to look overseas, finding live shows in Europe and the US as well as presenting her own show on Britain’s Resonance FM, ‘Postcards From Kyoka’.