Infected Reality | DL at Walden

A three-part cooperation with Walden Art Exhibitions

Finally, we are sneaking back into the real world with some special presentations during Infected Reality, conceived  by WK+, the Walden Kunstaustellungen gallery.
Infected Reality shows 7 projects with media art from Berlin, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Kiel and Vienna at weekly intervals. The gallery uses its excellent shop window situation in  the Fuldastraße, Neukölln for the presentation.

The project will kick off with Starfish by Nina Hartmann | 30.7. – 1.8.

Still from Starfish by Nina Hartmann. Presented in world premiere by Directors Lounge at Walden art exhibitions, Berlin as part of Infected Reality.

“Anyone who learns to swim through unknown worlds, between long forgotten planets, must be a very brave fish.”

Nina Hartmann created the video installation “Starfish” especially for Infected Realities. The premiere on July 30th, 7pm,  takes place in attendance of Nina Hartmann.

Part 2 will be Kreuzberg Shedding by oddviz | 6.8. – 8.8.

Still from Kreuzberg Shedding by Erdal Inci. Presented by Directors Lounge at Walden art exhibitions, Berlin as part of Infected Reality.

Over the past couple decades, people have poured into Berlin, attracted by its relative affordability, cultural wealth and anything-goes spirit. But now the city is trying to regulate what has elsewhere proved to be unstoppable: gentrification.

oddviz (Erdal Inci, Çağrı Taşkın and Serkan Kaptan) is an art collective based in İstanbul. The collective presents digitized commodities in virtual environments with installations. oddviz collective have been working with Gurur Gelen aka Pullahs for all audio compositions used in the videos.

Starting Aug. 6th, 7 pm
oddviz, Kreuzberg Shedding
Single channel video loop
Director: Erdal İnci
Audio: Gurur Gelen a.k.a. Pullahs


Our last contribution to Infected Reality will be shown from 4.9. – 6.9. 2020

details soon. (but you should save the date already)


Walden Art Exhibitions

Fuldastr. 56, 12043 Berlin, Neukölln

Each shows starts at 7pm at the first day and runs continuously for three days.