Surveillance | Medienwerkstatt Berlin
“Schalten und Walten”: a selection of videos focussing on surveillance

With works by Gabriele Stellbaum, Juliane Ebner, Fried Rosenstock, Youjia Lu (pictured above:„Vortex Eye“), Barbara Steppe, Judith Groth / Frederike Vidal, Stephanie Hanna, Bettina Rave, Ariane Loze, Beate Maria Wörz, Sandra Becker, Petra Lottje, Yagama Jogmaya, Catherine Biocca, Maria Koehne, Gisela Weimann.

The Medienwerkstatt was installed in 2008 by the Kulturwerk of bbk berlin with public funds as a workshop of artists for artists to further their practice and gain valuable skills. Besides the many technical facilities available to users of the Medienwerkstatt, such as the Media Lab and Green Screen room, the media workshops themselves strengthen and interlink mutual support networks among artists.



Medienwerkstatt Berlin
| “Schalten und Walten” will be shown at the C.A.R. Video Lounge hosted by Directors Lounge at contemporary art ruhr, 
the innovative art fair, 30 October – 1 November 2015

find further info about DL at C.A.R. here

pictured: Youjia Lu „Vortex Eye“ (still) | Ariane Loze „Subordination“ (still) |
by sandrabecker01 © (photo)

Guy Maddin | Odilon Redon or The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity

Guy Maddin | Glorious


“Divine” Krumins and “Glorious” Maddin: Directors Lounge supported by twin columns of surrealistic religiosity at  Contemporary Art Ruhr
30 October – 1 November 2015

Representing nearly 20 million square kilometres of North American film art breeding ground, Daina Krumins (USA) and Guy Maddin (Canada) have managed to burn feverish holes into the international psyche lying beyond. Already in 1972, Krumins’ “The Divine Miracle” was pitching its silver screen magic carpet ride of saturated colours and religious iconography. Maddin squeezed the devil out of, and the life into, his black and white “Glorious” in 2008, leaving enough for any confessional longing. Here is a yin/yang of image masters, mutually repelling/embracing opposites born of a single visionary cell. Directors Lounge presents a liberal smattering of these two top-shelfers at contempary art ruhr, better known simply as C.A.R. No reason not to be there…

Read more about DL at Contemporary Art Ruhr 

Reinhold Gottwald: ohne Titel aus der Serie Quadratur des Kreises

Reinhold Gottwald: ohne Titel aus der Serie Quadratur des Kreises


We welcome orbiting Berliner Reinhold Gottwald to our flagship universe at C.A.R., in from exhibitions in New York, Hamburg, Den Haag and many stations between. Better it has not been put than by NYC’s “Art For Progress”:

“I was impressed with the overall quality and diversity of the work in the show. The work of Reinhold Gottwald caught my attention. His colorful, small, abstract pieces on wood are hung/arranged as if they are a group of planets sharing the same solar system.” – Frank Jackson – art for progress-NYC

Reinhold Gottwald, born in 1961, lives and works in Berlin. The artist studied at the HfbK Hamburg in the 1980s and implemented a series of exhibitions in the domestic and abroad since then. Mid-nineties he founded the Project Gallery Walden Art Exhibitions that was Prize-honored by the Berlin Senate in 2013.

The theme of the artist is the relation of the individual to the space. The space is defined not only as an architectural or a physical phenomenon it is synonymous with the relationship of the individual to the entire. Reinhold Gottwald combines graffiti with video and installations, whose materials are the result of everyday encounters. The final determination is always done on-site. At C.A.R., Reinhold Gottwald presents informal “Mixed Media” works on industrial wood, which are a result of an accompanying process for his installations. Gottwald´s desire, to keep a development as long as possible open is visible in almost all works of the artist.

The Contemporary Art Ruhr, the innovative art fair in Essen, 30 October – 1 November 2015 at the Zollverein world heritage site.

Watch out for more info soon on our website

Henrike Naumann “Thug Life”, 2015

André Werner “Portrait einer Dame aus gutem Haus”, 2014 Installation, overhead transparency, water, feather, vibrator, light, dimensions variable

Calla Mar, CRYSTALLIZATION No. 6 (2014)

Meet us at the Contemporary Art Ruhr at Zeche Zollverein,
May 29 – 31, 2015

You’ll find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge  (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance. See you there!

Directors Lounge at the C.A.R. Video Lounge with works by
Sandra Becker01, Maja Borg, Gerard Cairaschi, Heiko Daxl, Alexei Dmitriev, Andrew Eyman, Michael Fleming, Marina Foxley/Laurent Couedel, Steven Foxley, Ingeborg Fuelepp, Otto Jekel/Lucas Czjzek, Eibe Maleen Krebs (C.A.R. Selection), Sarah Mock, Henrike Naumann, Neil Needleman, Arthur Patching, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Ken Paul Rosenthal, Keith Sanborn, Roberto Santaguida, Mauro Santini, Caecilia Tripp, André Werner, Wangli Xonglian/Liuyan Tangron 


Artists presented at the DL Booth:
Videos /Installations by Henrike Naumann, Alan Smithee, André Werner
Collage/Photography by Calla Mar, Julia Murakami


Special I

‘One Minute Volume 7’ and ‘One Minute Volume 8’ curated by filmmaker Kerry Baldry is a touring programme of artists moving image which has been screened widely in galleries and film festivals. The One Minutes contain an eclectic mix of approaches, techniques, media and processes, all having one thing in common – that they have been edited within the time limit of 60 seconds. Both programmes which be shown as part of the C.A.R. Video Lounge. (still: Seebreeze by Steven Ball)


Special II

surveillance | Medienwerkstatt Berlin
The Medienwerkstatt Berlin compiled a selection of videos with the theme of “Supervision.” The Medienwerkstatt was installed in 2008 by the Kulturwerk of bbk berlin with public funds as a workshop of artists for artists to further their practice and gain valuable skills. Besides the many technical facilities available to users of the Medienwerkstatt, such as the Media Lab and Green Screen room, the media workshops themselves strengthen and interlink mutual support networks among artists.


Official Opening
Friday, May 29, 8 pm

Public fair hours
Saturday, May 30, 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday, May 31, 11 am – 7 pm

Entrance fee per day
8,- € / 6,- €

Guided Tours
Frank Schablewski, +49 (0) 211 795 21 12 & +49 (0) 178 292 33 98

World Cultural Heritage Site Zollverein XII, SANAA building, Areal A, hall A35, Gelsenkirchener Strasse 209, 45309 Essen, Germany

Site map
Zollverein World Heritage Site


Sneak Preview II:

Directors Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, Media Art Fair, May 29 – 31, 2015

‘One Minute Volume 7 and ‘One Minute Volume 8’ curated by filmmaker Kerry Baldry is a touring programme of artists moving image which has been screened widely in galleries and film festivals. The One Minutes contain an eclectic mix of approaches, techniques, media and processes, all having one thing in common – that they have been edited within the time limit of 60 seconds. Both programmes which be shown as part of the C.A:R. Video Lounge.

One Minute Volume 7

John Smith, Rose Butler, Tony Hill, Steven Ball, Alexander Costello, Leister/Harris, Kayla Parker and Stuart Moore, Louisa Minkin, Claire Hope, Max Hattler, Guy Sherwin, Steven Woloshen, Lynn Loo, Lumiere and Son, Tansy Spinks, Gary Peploe and Peter Nutley, Eva Rudlinger, Michael Szpakowski, Zhel (Zeljko Vukicevic) , Matthias Kispert, Stuart Pound, Sellotape Cinema, Alex Pearl, My Name Is Scot, Kerry Baldry, Esther Johnson, Marty St. James, Nicki Rolls, Katherine Meynell, Chris Paul Daniels, Riccardo Iacono, Edwin Rostron, Martin Pickles, Grant Petrey, Annabel Dover, Kelvin Brown

One Minute Volume 8

Paul Rooney, Nicky Hamlyn, Claire Morales, Nick Jordan, Gordon Dawson, Sana Ghobbeh, Tony Hill, Alex Pearl, Sam Meech, Greg Pope, Kayla Parker and Stuart Moore, Philip Sanderson, Martin Pickles, Guy Sherwin, Olga Jurgenson, Kerry Baldry, Tansy Spinks, Sam Renseiw, Katherine Meynell, Philippos Kappa, Kelvin Brown, Chris Paul Daniels, Stuart Pound and Rosemary Norman, Julia Dogra-Brazell, Marty St. James, Shaun Hay, Virginia Hilyard, Eva Rudlinger, Louisa Minkin, Steven Ball, Kate Jessop, Zhel (Zeljko Vukicevic), Riccardo Iacono, Karen Densham, Mary Stark, Nicolas Herbert, Michael Szpakowski, Max Hattler, Steven Woloshen, John Kippin, Daniela Butsch, Leister/Harris

Thug Life by Henrike Naumann

Triangular Stories, 2012 by Henrike Naumann

Triangular Stories, 2012 by Henrike Naumann

Sneak Preview, Part I:

Directors Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr,
Media Art Fair, May 29 – 31, 2015

Among the artists and filmmakers that we will present at the C.A.R. is Henrike Naumann with Triangular Stories and her installation Thug Life.

Thug Life
VHS Installation, Photography, 2015 at the Directors Lounge Booth

In 1996, the american rapper Tupac ,2pac‘ Amaru Shakur was shot in Las Vegas. He died at the age of 25. There are many conspiracy theories around his killing, as people cannot believe the early death of such a great artist. The work Thug Life collects evidence of the fact that he was not killed, but left his gangsta lifestyle in America to start a new life in Marrakech.

Photography: Nadia Mounier
2pac: Nourdine Qachbane
King: Ayoub Chazi

Triangular Stories, 2012 by Henrike Naumann will be shown as part of the Directors Lounge program (C.A.R. Video Lounge/auditorium)                               

1992. Both home videos have the same date. Both videos reveal intimate things from the life of three teenagers. While few of them can‘t wait to take Ecstasy for the first time at the Amnesia, the world of the others ends behind Jena‘s tower blocks. The artist Henrike Naumann (born 1984) is from Zwickau, where the Nationalsocialist Underground (NSU) lived in bourgeoise underground and spanned their neonazi extremist murderers. This video work is a very personal approach to dealing with the fascist tendencies in her old home are as well as with the hedonistic self-optimizing drive of her generation. The obsolete medium VHS (Video Home System) in its loss becomes a mirror for that generation.

Henrike Naumann is a video and installation artist. Born 1984 in Zwickau, former GDR, she experienced the blossoming of the right-wing scene in the 90s. Her first video installation Triangular Stories (2012) focussed on the the origins of the terrorist group National Socialist Underground (NSU). Her work orbits around the aesthetics of political concepts and youth culture.

More information about DL at the media art fair will follow soon!

photo: Martin Duschner, Zollverein projection: Andre Werner, Dream Of The Japanese Beauty

Daria Korol BY touch. 02:40 2013

Alexander Heringer DE Fortune Faded 03:11 2012 / aug&ohr medien

Michael Fleming NL Avalanche 11:00 2013

Directors Lounge at the

Once again, you can catch us at the Zeche Zollverein at Contemporary Art Ruhr, 24 – 26 October 2014. As usual, you’ll find the Directors Lounge booth and the Auditorium with the C.A.R. Video Lounge in the SANAA building right behind the entrance. Stop by, say hello and take in our delectable film selection … See you at C.A.R.!
Participating artists (booth): Sandra Becker 01, Roger Deutsch, Michael Fleming, Carola Göllner, Julia Murakami, Ken Paul Rosenthal, Alan Smithee, André Werner

Directors Lounge at the C.A.R Video Lounge (auditorium) with
films by
Philipp Artus*, Víctor Ballesteros, Sam Bell,Yanina Boldyreva and Alexander Isaenko, Chiara Caterina, Aude Danset and Carlos De Carvalho, Pedro Ferreira, Michael Fleming, Gerard Freixes Ribera, Mário Gajo de Carvalho, Max Hattler, Alexander Heringer*, Volker Heymann*, Masanobu Hiraoka, Roger Deutsch, Stephan Hilpert and Julia Murakami, Martha Jurksaitis, Daria Korol, Maria Magnusson, Olga Palomäki, Arthur Patching, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Javier Pernas, Stuart Pound, Diego Ramirez, Leyla Rodriguez and Cristian Straub, Jean-Michel Rolland, Ken Paul Rosenthal, Mauricio Sanhueza, Liga Steda, Walter Ungerer, Rhayne Vermette, Josh Weissbach, Aaron Zeghers / *aug&ohr medien

The complete program

Diego Ramirez AU Radish 02:27 2013
Mauricio Sanhueza PE Paroniria 06:37 2013
Sam Bell GB Promises 05:00 2013
Pedro Ferreira PT Home Sequences #1-4 13:00 2012/-13
Yanina Boldyreva and Alexander Isaenko UA/RU Duotone 07:00 2012
Volker Heymann* DE Drei Experten Drehen Auf 03:52 2013
Alexander Heringer* DE Fortune Faded 03:11 2012
Philipp Artus* DE Snail Trail 03:00 2012
Aaron Zeghers CA Living on the Edge 03:20 2013
Ken Paul Rosenthal US In Light, In! 12:00 2013
Roger Deutsch US Scherzo 05:00 2014
Josh Weissbach US Model Fifty-One Fifty-Six 11:02 2013
Mário Gajo de Carvalho PT The Place That Remains Deeply Unchanged Before My Random Passage Or One Way To See Ourselves Within The Out Of Field 03:13 2014
Rhayne Vermette CA Black Rectangle 01:30 2013
Walter Ungerer US ICI 07:32 2013
Leyla Rodriguez and Cristian Straub DE Isle Of Lox “Senses Suspended” 04:31 2013
Chiara Caterina IT Avant La Nuit 02:48 2013
Jean-Gabriel Périot FR The Day Has Conquered The Night 28:00 2013
Daria Korol BY touch. 02:40 2013
Max Hattler DE X 06:00 2012
Olga Palomäki FI Parallel Landscape 04:48 2013
Víctor Ballesteros CA VVOOLLVVOO 00:30 2013
Jean-Michel Rolland FR First Person Shooter 04:43 2012
Maria Magnusson SE Solarizaton 04:54 2013
Julia Murakami and Stephan Hilpert DE Mr. Blackburn 0:40 2014
music by Darius Greene US
Gerard Freixes Ribera ES The Parting Dance 03:00 2013
Martha Jurksaitis GB Bad Blood 02:43 2013
Stuart Pound GB All That Passed 01:00 2013
Javier Pernas AR/ES Piel/Skin 06:53 2013
Liga Steda GB Block 02:23 2013
Michael Fleming NL Avalanche 11:00 2013
Masanobu Hiraoka JP Land 03:41 2013
Aude Danset and Carlos De Carvalho Fr Premier Automne 10:30 2013
Arthur Patching GB Il Ritorno 04:24 2012

contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.) 2014 – the innovative art fair

Zollverein World Heritage Site
Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181
45309 Essen

Official Opening:
Friday, October 24, 8 pm

Friday, October 24, 6 pm

Public fair hours:
Saturday, October 25, 12 – 8 pm
Sunday, October 26, 11 – 7 pm

Entrance fee at the art fair per day:
12,- € / 10,-€

Guided Tours:
Frank Schablewski,
+49 (0) 211 795 21 12 & +49 (0) 178 292 33 98

Julia Murakami and Stephan Hilpert DE Mr. Blackburn 40s 2014 World Premiere

Andre Werner DE Opening Robert Rauschenberg 6 min 37s 1990

Erdal Inci TR Taksim Spiral 0,8s 2013

Sandra Becker01 DE Processing 2 min 2013

Hara Katsiki DE Starseed 2013

Hye Young Kim KR Unfulfilled Desire II Blindness 21 min 2013

Alan Smithee Are You Afraid Of … 2013

Directors Lounge at Gallery On, Seoul / South Korea,
C.A.R. Network III, the innovative art fair, 9 July – 1 August 2014
Opening Reception: 9 July, 5 pm

Gallery On, B1 Young-chung Bd. 69 Sagan-dong Jongno-gu Seoul 110-190 Korea

Directors Lounge, the Berlin-based platform for contemporary art and media, presents selected single channel works at Gallery On, Seoul during the C.A.R. Network III. The looped installations range from classic short animation to gif-based online works and interactive processing, giving a glimpse into new tendencies of motion-based media art.
With video works by Sandra Becker01, Erdal Inci, Hara Katsiki, Hye Young Kim, Julia Murakami and Stephan Hilpert, Alan Smithee, Andre Werner

List of video works:
Sandra Becker01 DE Processing 2 min 2013
Erdal Inci TR Taksim Spiral 0,8s  2013 / Pictogram 1,4s  2013 / Hieropolis Amphitheatre 1,4s  2013 / Flood of Light 1,4s 2013 / Camondo Stairs 0,4s 2013
Hara Katsiki DE Starseed 2013
Hye Young Kim KR Unfulfilled Desire II Blindness 21 min 2013
Julia Murakami and Stephan Hilpert DE Mr. Blackburn 40s 2014 score: Darius Greene, World Premiere
Alan Smithee Are You Afraid Of … 2013
Andre Werner DE Opening Robert Rauschenberg 6 min 37s 1990

SANAA building at the world heritage site Zollverein

works by Andre Werner

Cross Art (Zurich-Berlin) at the DL booth, photo: Betty Boehm

Directors Lounge booth at the contemporary art ruhr

the C.A.R. video lounge presented by Directors Lounge, photo: Georg Teiner

kissing the duck, photo: Georg Teiner

by Hara Katsiki

works by Julia Murakami and Andre Werner

photo: Carmen Aigner

Impressions from the Contemporary Art Ruhr, Directors Lounge booth in cooperation with Atelier Cross Art.

C.A.R. video lounge with Directors Lounge program

Dr. Regina Francken, FKI Berlin and Sandra Becker, medienwerkstatt Berlin.

Impressions from the Contemporary Art Ruhr, Directors Lounge

A special lecture inside the C.A.R. Video Lounge: Digital storytelling, an introduction of RFID books that trigger interaction through the flipping of pages. Presented by Dr. Regina Francken, FKI Berlin and Sandra Becker, medienwerkstatt Berlin.