“Divine” Krumins and “Glorious” Maddin: Directors Lounge supported by twin columns of surrealistic religiosity at Contemporary Art Ruhr
30 October – 1 November 2015
Representing nearly 20 million square kilometres of North American film art breeding ground, Daina Krumins (USA) and Guy Maddin (Canada) have managed to burn feverish holes into the international psyche lying beyond. Already in 1972, Krumins’ “The Divine Miracle” was pitching its silver screen magic carpet ride of saturated colours and religious iconography. Maddin squeezed the devil out of, and the life into, his black and white “Glorious” in 2008, leaving enough for any confessional longing. Here is a yin/yang of image masters, mutually repelling/embracing opposites born of a single visionary cell. Directors Lounge presents a liberal smattering of these two top-shelfers at contempary art ruhr, better known simply as C.A.R. No reason not to be there…
Read more about DL at Contemporary Art Ruhr