TONIGHT, 13 Feb:
DL Selection XII, hitting the screen at 6pm, runs 30 minutes, 28 of which are Jean-Gabriel Périot’s “The Day has Conquered The Night,” where dreams, screams, a woman’s body and rap music meet. Next up, at 7pm, DL Selection XIII features three German Premieres, with two of the filmmakers there in person: Jacob Podber (US, “Vishneva Belarus Soviet Union Poland”) and Henrike Naumann, (“Triangular Stories,” her very personal approach to dealing with her hometown Zwickau’s fascist tendencies in her generation’s hedonistic drive). A winning program, but over in Space B at the same time, you can catch the past and present of abstract animation in “Visual Music,” with Manfred Miersch of Medienwerkstatt Berlin screening and lecturing (in German, please note!). A World Premiere at 8pm (Space A): DL Feature “Non-Conformity” by Ukrainian filmmaker Igor Parfenov tells the tale of a butcher with a past, but no present or future. Add a mental hospital, a black market, a crippled girl and organ dealers… this will be a twisted ride. Later in the evening (10pm), witness the audio-visual performance of Christoph Brünggel and Benny Jaberg entitled “Still und Dunkel” (“Silent and Dark”) on the centre stage. Film sequences of “non-spaces” (disused factories and civil defense facilities) are combined with the work of VJ collective “Pixel-punx,” creating impressions and sensations centring on their silence and their darkness. All tonight, at DLX!
Day 8 program, 13 Feb
the complete program, 6 – 16 Feb
pictured: Igor Parfenov “Non-Conformity”, Jacob Podber (US, “Vishneva Belarus Soviet Union Poland”, Henrike Naumann “Triangular Stories”, “Still und Dunkel