Directors Lounge Screening: Gabriele Stellbaum

Directors Lounge Screening: Gabriele Stellbaum – The Folly of Others

Directors Lounge Screening Gabriele Stellbaum – The Folly of Others Thursday, 27. February 2025, 9 p.m. Z-Bar Bergstraße 2 10115 Berlin-Mitte Berlin artist Gabriele Stellbaum presents a program of experimental narratives at Z-Bar, starring with the premiere of her newest film “The Up-ending”. With her films, Gabriele Stellbaum creates short stories in which she often …

Directors Lounge Berlinale Special with Gabraz Sanna - Diários de uma paisagem

Directors Lounge Berlinale Special: Gabraz Sanna – Diários de uma paisagem

Directors Lounge Berlinale Special Gabraz Sanna  –  Diários de uma paisagem Z-Bar on Friday, 21 February 2025 at 5 p.m. Gabraz Sanna is coming back to Berlin to present the film he recorded here seven years ago with Tantão, the performer and iconic painter from Rio. The film portrays a passage of night and day …

Directors Lounge Screening, Renata Daguerre, As Above – So Below.

Renata Daguerre, As Above – So Below

Directors Lounge Screening, Z-Bar Thursday, 30. May, 9pm Berlin based artist Renata Daguerre presents films and videos from Córdoba, Argentina, Rotterdam and Berlin at a Directors Lounge Screening at Z-Bar. Many of Renata Daguerre’s films are essentially portraits. They don’t elaborate on psychological dramatization, rather, we could call them short vignettes of individuals who live …

FILM POEM TOUR by Telemach Wiesinger, Directors Lounge Matinee at Z-Bar

FILM POEM TOUR by Telemach Wiesinger

Directors Lounge Matinee at Z-Bar Sunday, 19 May 2024, 17:00 trailer 1:1 Telemach Wiesinger, a long-term contributor to various Directors Lounge events, is coming from South Germany (Riegel, close to Freiburg) for a special film matinée at Z-Bar. Wiesinger works exclusively with analogue film, which he shoots, treats by means of an animation stand and …

Special Directors Lounge Screening: Bruno Gularte Barreto 5 Casas (Five Houses)

Special Directors Lounge Screening: Bruno Gularte Barreto – 5 Casas (Five Houses)

  Special Directors Lounge Screening: Bruno Gularte Barreto – 5 Casas (Five Houses) Sunday, 25 February 2024, 5:30 p.m. Z-Bar, Bergstraße 2, 10115 Berlin-Mitte This Sunday, Brazilian artist Bruno Gularte Barreto will present his film “5 Casas”. The documentary was first presented at IDFA in Amsterdam; this will be the German premiere. The visually breathtaking …

Fotofilm - Photography as Film

Directors Lounge Screening: Fotofilm – photography as film –

/ German version below / Directors Lounge Screening: Fotofilm – photography as film – Thursday, October 26, 2023 9 p.m. Z-Bar Bergstraße 2 10115 Berlin-Mitte   Film is often associated with the moving image. The works showcased here defy this convention; they are films narrated using individual images and not using the traditional technique of …

Verena Kyselka | Sound of Traces

Directors Lounge Screening: Verena Kyselka | Sound of Traces, Thursday, 29 September 2022, Z-Bar   / Deutsche Version unten / Berlin-based artist Verena Kyselka often works in collaboration with other artists, or even with amateurs. Her art projects have taken her to artist residencies in the Arab and Asian regions. There, she seeks for contacts …

Directors Lounge Screening: Mélissa Faivre, Parallel Perceptions

Mélissa Faivre | Parallel Perceptions

Directors Lounge Screening: Mélissa Faivre, Parallel Perceptions, Thursday, 30 June 22, Z-Bar Mélissa Faivre, born 1989 in France, is an experimental video artist based in Berlin. Mélissa Faivre creates a world of her own, a video cosmos that combines the micro and macro world in a stream of images like in a flush of expanded …