Directors Lounge Screening:
Live Punkt Null
Video, Performance
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Bergstraße 2
10115 Berlin-Mitte
Rigoletti Live Punkt Null – Live Point Zero
This evening with Rigoletti alias Marion Pfaus will be a mixture of screening and performance. Rigoletti, who claims to have been granted the titel “the most unknown pop-star”, has made quite a name for herself. With her lively, busting ways, she has gained presence on a multitude of platforms and media.
To call her filmmaker would not be the right term, Rigoletti “makes videos”. She both addresses the media itself – “16:9 Full HD” is an ironical and media-political discussion of the “new media” high definition video, which uses the form of educational film – and she addresses themes ranging from mundane to politically charged topics such as the founding of “Humboldt 21”, an association she is promoting. “Humboldt 21” shall already be concerned with the planing and preparation of the demolition and remediation of the not yet built remake of the “Berlin City Castle” in the center of Berlin, which will be called “Humboldt Forum”. As experience teaches, buildings on this site would not last for very long, she argues, and remediations could be complicated and expensive, as the demolition of the “Palast der Republik”, the former GDR parliament building on this very site, has shown. It is thus a due task to have an early start with planing the demolition of the coming remake of the city castle. Such ironic interventions in public themes, seemingly trivial or stuck in concealed oppositions (like the castle discussion), are typical for Marion Pfaus. She such subversively questions the doxa, the prevailing opinion (not to be mistaken with common sense). Presented with dry humor and blazing dilettantism, the artist also makes clear her objectives are her serious concerns.
The artist, who studied media design, also works and publishes in other media. In collaboration with her colleague Felicia Zeller, she published online projects such as (State Sex Hospital) and the CD-ROM “Mut der Ahnungslosen” (Courage of the Ignorant). In 2006 her novel “Aus den Memoiren ein Verblühenden” (Memoirs of an Early Withering Flower) is published as book + CD.
Parts of her video work will be shown, the artist will perform live her concept of “Fremdbloggen” (third party blogging), and she will give a performance about the founding of the association “Humboldt 21” including the plans for the remediation of Humboldt Forum.
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