Wien unter Drogen | Vienna Under the Influence of Drugs
Through lectures and film screenings, the thematic evening will focus on drug use during the First World War: artist-in-residence Beate Passow (GER) will screen two works in the exhibition which take a closer look at the use and abuse of drugs in WWI by means of literary examples.
From the sparkling wine tax to bloodlust to an escape with a heroine of reason: Cosima Reif (Zufallsproduktion, Vienna) delivers a lecture that paints a realistic picture the nebulization tactics of the governmental drug policy arising from the War to multimedia projection by Andre Werner (Directors Lounge, Berlin), emptying a quite legal magnum in the process.
Date Wed., June 17, 2015, 7 pm
Location freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL
image credit: courtesy Zufallsproduktion