above: André Werner, Was vom Kino übrig bleibt | What Remains Of Cinema #4 Girl with a Video Camera. Photograph based on an interactive video installation.

Meet us at the innovative art fair at Zeche Zollverein!
C.A.R. VIDEO LOUNGE (Hall 12 | 51B)
Directors Lounge presents selected positions of contemporary media art. Expect genre-straddling slices of cinematic art and cuts of media experimentation at the c.a.r. video lounge. Dedicated presentations include new shorts by filmmaker Roger Deutsch and video loops by media / performance artist Nina Hartmann. All this next to experimental video works from the Medienwerkstatt Berlin, an artist-run project of the BBK Berlin, and selected moving image work from the Directors Lounge archives.
Artists Booth (Hall 12 | Booth 51A)
with works by Nina Hartmann, Visuman (media art), Julia Murakami (photography) and André Werner (media art / installation)

It is time to say thank you to the Ruhr area. The pictures of the serial LANDMARKS are a tribute to the Ruhr area itself and to the artlovers and collectors of this metropolitan area. The serial VISUMAN LONDON VERSIONS is a tribute to the Syrian artist Mohamad al Wahibi. My paintings are done in the salon of his widow Rima Bitar-Vollmer in London in October 2019, based on the works of M. al Wahibi.

André Werner | photography

C.A.R. VIDEO LOUNGE (Hall 12 | 51B)

More information www.ottofilms.org
DIRECTORS LOUNGE SPECIAL: Nina Hartmann | video works

André Werner | Collaboration
Daughter of Dementia, 2005, 9:22
Made in collaboration with the Berlin-based band Tagez.
Die Sitte des Bildderfressens (The Custom of Eating Pictures), 1997, 5:56
A pure chane collaboration with Vienna-based artist Cosima Reif.
At the time of its creation, this video was foremost triggered by the rise of satellite television and the autopoietic multiplication of imagery through thousands of tv channels. Little did we know that this was just a foretaste of things to come.
Medienwerkstatt Berlin:
“ZURÜCK GEBEN”, a compilation of experimental video works from the Medienwerkstatt Berlin, an artist-run project of the BBK Berlin.
Diese Reihe beschäftigt sich mit der Frage des Zurückgebens. Wenn wir etwas bekommen geben wir häufig auch etwas zurück. Dabei weist das Zurückgeben in die Zukunft. Für die Reise wünschen wir alles Gute.
More information www.medienwerkstatt-berlin.jimdo.com
Sandra Becker, Manuela Johanna Covini, Fountainhead Tanz Theatre, Melina Pafundi, Deborah S. Phillips, Michael S. Ruscheinsky, Lioba von den Driesch, Kerstin Wittelmeyer
Videos Included:
Melina Pafundi Futuro/Zukunft ein argentinisch-griechischer Film, 12:03
Deborah S. Phillips Nach Osten schauen, 3:00
Kerstin Wittelmeyer Defrost, 2:06
Michael S. Ruscheinsky Paritas, 6:48
Sandra Becker Flaschen sammeln, 01 3:00
Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Gestern – Hier – Heute – Fort, 5:50
Lioba von den Driesch Gate X, 3:00
Manuela Johanna Covini Eine kurze Belehrung, 4:45

André Werner, Was vom Kino übrig bleibt | What Remains Of Cinema #4 Girl with a Video Camera (II).
an interactive video installation.