Mon 15th 8 pm

Stefan Adamski PL Induction 3min 2007

Barbara Rosenthal US Rules 1 min 2009

Masha Godovannaya RU Two Home Movies 8 min 42s 2009

Heidi Neubauer-Winterburn FR/US   i02-09: We Interrogate the Detainees    9 min 52s  2009

Renata Padovan BR  So Shall it Be   3m 13s 2009

Catherine Forster US  Duets   6 min 44s   2009

Kim Collmer US/ DE the Water that Danced  3min 42s 2010

Richard O’Sullivan GB  Broken Windows 5 min 15s  2009

Mores McWreath US The Bud, the Seed, the Egg   15 min 2009

Barbara Rosenthal US Secret Codes 1 min 30s  2010

Katherin McInnis US horizon line 1min 2009

Neil Needleman US Visions of Wasted Time 4:40 2007

Fri 12th 10 pm

TERRACOTTA WARRIOR‹  2006 by Pablo Wendel

On september 16, 2006 student Pablo Wendel, disguised as a terracotta warrior, positioned himself for about 23 minutes between the more than 2000 year old soldiers. His costume consisted of a coat of mail, a hat of paper-mâché and shoes of old car tires. To appear as authentic as possible, he had even brought a pedestal to stand on during his performance.   courtesy brouwer-edition

Pablo Wendel DE Terracotta Warrior 8min 41s 2006

James George US Hesitation  9min 41s 2009

Marianne Stoll DE Seemannsbraeute 11min 1996  

Muriel  Montini FR  Le monde est immense  9min 2007

aE3 GB/FR Miasma  8min 36s 2009

Lee Arnold US/GB  Analogue 3min 03s 2009   

Philippe Rouy FR Hypn 7min 30s

Lee Bishop US Animation 1 33s 2009 

Alexei Dmitriev RU Abstract 3min 32s 2009

Arthur Tuoto BR Disforme  2min 30s 2009    

Evaldas Jansas LT 3 in 1   5min 46s 2008

Lee Bishop US  Absorbed  1min 24s 2008

Gerard Freixes-Ribera ES Alone 3min 07s  2008

Ann Steuernagel US Charades 7min 2009

stock`n`wolf / Tinka Stock & Sèbastien Wolf DE  Bob Log`s III Electric Fence 2min 25s 2005

Reuben Sutherland GB Happy Up Here 2min 58s 2009

TRT 81 min