Mon 15th 8 pm

Stefan Adamski PL Induction 3min 2007

Barbara Rosenthal US Rules 1 min 2009

Masha Godovannaya RU Two Home Movies 8 min 42s 2009

Heidi Neubauer-Winterburn FR/US   i02-09: We Interrogate the Detainees    9 min 52s  2009

Renata Padovan BR  So Shall it Be   3m 13s 2009

Catherine Forster US  Duets   6 min 44s   2009

Kim Collmer US/ DE the Water that Danced  3min 42s 2010

Richard O’Sullivan GB  Broken Windows 5 min 15s  2009

Mores McWreath US The Bud, the Seed, the Egg   15 min 2009

Barbara Rosenthal US Secret Codes 1 min 30s  2010

Katherin McInnis US horizon line 1min 2009

Neil Needleman US Visions of Wasted Time 4:40 2007