dl screening:
Film Double Feature
• Klaus W. Eisenlohr
Stadtrandzone Mitte 46 min, 16mm, sound
• Klaus W. Eisenlohr und Johann Zeitler
zwischen | stadt | raum 64 min, 3 channel (HD Version)
Monday, 5 Dec 2011
Bergstr. 2
D-10115 Berlin-Mitte
U-Rosenthaler Platz
StadtRaum – Urban Space Double Feature
Two films, two film essays about public space. One is based on performances including public interventions on urban plazas in Hannover and the second film explores encounters in public space in Gropiusstadt, a modernist residential area in the South of Berlin. Both films bring forward issues of public space and urban development: Will public space disappear under the changes of globalization and the development of an electronic public sphere? Are there new meanings and new functions of urban public space that could reactivate public space also in urban areas outside of the historic center of cities? Do we still need public places, or urban community space in the larger metropolitan areas?
Both films developed from visual researches in the respective urban areas and may be best described as visual essays.
Klaus W. Eisenlohr is a lecturer at Photocentrum Kreuzberg and at Lexia International in Berlin. His media are photography, film and new media. Johann Zeitler mainly works with painting, performance and drawing. Both artist have collaborated on urban and film projects since 2003.
Stadtrandzone Mitte:
zwischen | stadt | raum