Guy Maddin | Glorious

Joachim Seinfeld, Wenn Deutsche lustig sind: WK 1, 1917 – Luftkampf;2014 | digitaler Silbergelatineprint auf Baryt; Papiermaße 50×60 cm

Julia Murakami | Exercises in Levitation I (series), 2015

Directors Lounge heading for contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.), the innovative art fair, 30 Oct – 1 November 2015

Find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance in hall 35 (A35), ground floor. We’ll see you there, right?

DL at the C.A.R. Video Lounge
With works by Daina Krumins (US) and Guy Maddin (CA) – a liberal smattering of two top-shelfers who have managed to burn feverish holes into the international psyche… read more

Artists presented at the DL booth
Reinhold Gottwald, Julia Murakami, Joachim Seinfeld, Alan Smithee, André Werner (pictured: “Viennese Catherine Window" by A. Werner, closed circuit installation, 2014)


Medienwerkstatt Berlin 
| Surveillance

“Schalten und Walten”: a selection of videos focussing on surveillance at the C.A.R. Video Lounge with works by Gabriele Stellbaum, Juliane Ebner, Fried Rosenstock, Youjia Lu, Barbara Steppe, Judith Groth / Frederike Vidal, Stephanie Hanna, Bettina Rave, Ariane Loze, Beate Maria Wörz, Sandra Becker, Petra Lottje, Yagama Jogmaya, Catherine Biocca, Maria Koehne, Gisela Weimann | pictured: Ariane Loze „Subordination“  … read more


contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.), the innovative art fair
World Cultural Heritage Site Zollverein | 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2015

Fri, October 30, 8 pm, V.I.P.-Preview, 6 pm

Public fair hours
Sat, October 30, 12 am – 8 pm
Sun, November, 1, 11 am – 7 pm

World Cultural Heritage Site Zollverein XII

Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181/ 209, 
45309 Essen

Site plan  | Site map | detailed service information

Surveillance | Medienwerkstatt Berlin
“Schalten und Walten”: a selection of videos focussing on surveillance

With works by Gabriele Stellbaum, Juliane Ebner, Fried Rosenstock, Youjia Lu (pictured above:„Vortex Eye“), Barbara Steppe, Judith Groth / Frederike Vidal, Stephanie Hanna, Bettina Rave, Ariane Loze, Beate Maria Wörz, Sandra Becker, Petra Lottje, Yagama Jogmaya, Catherine Biocca, Maria Koehne, Gisela Weimann.

The Medienwerkstatt was installed in 2008 by the Kulturwerk of bbk berlin with public funds as a workshop of artists for artists to further their practice and gain valuable skills. Besides the many technical facilities available to users of the Medienwerkstatt, such as the Media Lab and Green Screen room, the media workshops themselves strengthen and interlink mutual support networks among artists.



Medienwerkstatt Berlin
| “Schalten und Walten” will be shown at the C.A.R. Video Lounge hosted by Directors Lounge at contemporary art ruhr, 
the innovative art fair, 30 October – 1 November 2015

find further info about DL at C.A.R. here

pictured: Youjia Lu „Vortex Eye“ (still) | Ariane Loze „Subordination“ (still) |
by sandrabecker01 © (photo)

C.A.R. video lounge with Directors Lounge program

Dr. Regina Francken, FKI Berlin and Sandra Becker, medienwerkstatt Berlin.

Impressions from the Contemporary Art Ruhr, Directors Lounge

A special lecture inside the C.A.R. Video Lounge: Digital storytelling, an introduction of RFID books that trigger interaction through the flipping of pages. Presented by Dr. Regina Francken, FKI Berlin and Sandra Becker, medienwerkstatt Berlin.

“if you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve nothing to worry” (if you worry …)
Kino Central 18. – 22.11.2013

This November, the Kino Central will once again present the videos of artists working with our good fellas, the Medienwerkstatt Berlin. The theme of our upcoming screening is “Supervision.” This theme was chosen in response to increased public sensitivity concerning issues of surveillance in our everyday environment, and the phenomena of the evaluations of these observations running out of control.

The Medienwerkstatt was installed in 2008 by the Kulturwerk of bbk berlin with public funds as a workshop of artists for artists to further their practice and gain valuable skills. Besides the many technical facilities available to users of the Medienwerkstatt, such as the Media Lab and Green Screen room, the media workshops themselves strengthen and interlink mutual support networks among artists.

For over 15 years the Kino Central has set up as one of the most interesting repertory cinemas in Berlin. During the last years The Central was distinguished regularly for its prominent annual program, including premieres, cinematic specific features, discoveries and innovations.

artists: Karla Albert | Nathalie Becher | Sandra Becker 01 | mobtik | Christa Biedermann | Jan Brand | Roberto Duarte | Lioba von den Driesch | Ilka & Volane Forst | Brigitte Geier | Ron Hagell | Heike Hamann | Constantin Hartenstein | Susanne Hoffmann | Katzengold (Nicole Messenlehner / Wolfgang Kriener) | Maria Koehne | Chat | Herbert Liffers | Marisa Maza | Astrid Menze | Ottjörg A.C. | Sharon Paz | Fried Rosenstock | Anja Ross | Gerhard Schuhmacher | Tobias Sjöberg | Wojtek Skowron | Anna Wignell | Kerstin Wittelmeyer | Barbara Wolters | Jo Zahn

from 18. – 22.11.2013, each day at 4.15 pm
Kino Central, Rosenthaler Str. 39, 2.HH 10178 Berlin
entry based on donation

pictured: Alle Macht dem Super 8, Gerhard Schuhmacher