Directors Lounge hits LA

We are screening assorted highlights at the prestigious Los Angeles Art Association (LAAA) as part of  NOT A CAR, a special all-media, cross-cultural exhibition featuring the highlights from our partners, the C.A.R. art fair in Essen, Germany, alongside original contemporary artworks by Los Angeles artists debuting at Gallery 825 on April 9, 2011. Exhibit runs through April 29, 2011.

program I

Alexei Dmitriev Dubus 4 min
Coleman Miller US Uso Justo 22 min 2005 
Thorsten Fleisch DE Dromosphäre 10 min 2010
Nicolas Ramel FR A/V Sketch#3 40s 2010
Octavian Fedorovici RO Casablanca 1PM 1min 2008
Julia Smith  US  Grand Teton 4 min 1s 2010
Gunter Deller DE Riverrun and Touchdown     7 min 40s 2009
Ryley O´Byrne CA Maenad  2 min 45s 2010
Ron Diorio US Winter Wind  3 min 1s 2009
Maria Niro  US  Glitch Telemetry  ca 3 min  2010
Kika Nicolela FR/BR  Passenger 5min 2007
Bruce Knox DE Danger Global Warming 7min 3s 201
Sergio Cruz UK    Hannah    5 min30s 2010
Ofir Feldman Poetic Account 1 min
Chema Garcia Ibarra ES The Attack Of The Robots From Nebula-5 6min 20s 2008
KRONCK (aka Maximilian Gerlach & Jessica Benzing) Thank You Third World
Max Hattler DE Spin 4 min 2010
Julia Murakami/Alan Smithee  lost masterpieces #1 ((red) 2010

program II

Chiara Ambrosio The Crossing    3min 31s
Chiara Ambrosio Whale 4 min 52s
Eric Dyer US Copenhagen Cycles 6 min 37s
Mark Maxwell Naturaleza Muerta   29 min 2011
Chiara Ambrosio    Charon 12 min 16s Musical score Michael Nyman
Jean-Gabriel Périot 200-000 phantoms 10 min

in cooperation with Myriam Blundell Projects


program III

A Journey Through The Symbols – selected video works by André Werner
The weary traveler must clear his own path through the thicket, must find the passages in this labyrinth of symbols. Here the glimpse of a distant female beauty, there a delightful garden; a gold-glittering speck of color draws the traveler and he finds himself entranced… The viewing of a shape, somehow familiar, sets the mind running at full force, tracing distant memories. Expectations crystalize into clear formulations; the eye strives to match the moving pieces into a distinct wholeness. But the process of pasting together the individual tiles, of trying to derive one whole unified object from this melting pot of images, fails. The arrayed bits of meaning waver and… dissolve.
All that remains are the pictures and colors, the shapes and our traveler’s imaginations – The journey carries on in the mind of the beholder. Anja Osswald

A Journey Through The Symbols combines videos from the last twenty years, many of them will be screened in US premiere

Andre Werner, Ceci n’est pas de l’art,  shown as part of the opening of the c.a.r. 10, the contemporary art Ruhr  photo: Joerg Eckhardt

Ceci n’est pas de l’art,  impressions from the c.a.r. 10, the contemporary art Ruhr 

just some snaps from the fun

photo:Julia Murakami

The early bird.., the Japanese Guerilla Paparazzi arrived shortly before the opening

photo: Astrid Ewers

Shot during setup through a somehow absent Alan Smithee. On the right, the glass cube cinema, venue for the screenings.

A German TV team shooting inside the Directors Lounge booth.

Astrid Ewers, the lady with the healing hands, long time friend of DL and guardian angel for the tensed and damaged gallerists.

Anne Martens, Getty Museum, LA and Peter Mays, executive Director of the Los Angeles Art Association, photo: the art resort

The C.A.R. was accompanied by several specials like this lecture about the current art scene in Los Angeles by Peter Mays, LAAA, Anne Martens and Rebecca Lowry. The LAAA, the Los Angeles Art Association will present the C.A.R. together with Directors Lounge in April next year.

photo: the art resort

This looks staged, subliminal work by Alan Smithee

Outside the sky lounge, a minimal designed pavillon on top of the highest building at Zeche Zollverein The venue for the VIP party of the c.a.r. 10, the contemporary art Ruhr  photo: the art resort

photo: Astrid Ewers

On top of the world. new member of the gang, Suzanne, enjoy the night view from the sky lounge.