Sat 18 | 6pm


Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Adam Kossoff’s  Moscow Diary (pictured) and some surprise from the Urban Research Program

Sat 18 | 6:45pm

URBAN RESEARCH – III Activismo Experimental: Artists Involved!

Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Cesy  Leonard, Eduardo  Srur, Russell J.  Chartier, Daniel  Künzler, Diane  Nerwen, Vladimir Turner, Sheldon  Brown, Matt  Grau, Brandstifter

With special guests: Frank Behnke, Klaus Beyer, Brandstifter, Tanja Roolfs, Carsten Wagner


Brandstifter DE Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin 2011
Exhibition with lost and found sheets of paper

Find more infos about the Urban Research Program and the films at richfilm

Feb 18, the program

DAY 5, Feb 13th


Fans of the sudden will like short films coming at them “Out Of The Blue” at [DL8] (the 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge), as curated and presented by Deborah S. Phillips, and including five World Premieres. Film titles like “PFFFHP TT!” can make you wonder just what you’ll be seeing. It all jumps at you starting at 18:00 (6pm). Then DL’s own Klaus W. Eisenlohr treats us to a program of Urban Observations and Local Studies at 20:00 (8pm), chock full of metropolitan moments. Look for Klaus there too, recognizable in his trademark fedora. Then still more follows, with the DL Selection IV at 22:00, getting underway with “Silhouette” by Astrid Busch (in attendance), and weaving its way through shorts from Finland, Ireland, Hungary, Italy, France and the U.S, with a couple of World Premieres in the mix. One film in this block is entitled “The Last Picture”, but we certainly promise you more. In Naherholung Sternchen (near Alexanderplatz at U-Schillingstr., second building behind Kino International)

                                                                                       KT/Team DL

pictured: 10 Moments by Wenhua Shi (Urban Research)

urban research
program I:
Urban Observations and Local Studies

Monday, 13 February 20:00

Alejandro Bernal, Caroline Koebel, Yptu Enth, Wenhua Shi, Deron Williams, Leslie Supnet, Joel Wanek, Chris Kennedy, Sarah Christman

This beautiful program comprises films, which meditate on city impressions in rather leisurely pace. Urban observations are always subjective, especially if done with a camera. Also, undertaking observations is only possible when making a distinction. The observer, the camera is always part of the situation. Never is it possible to look from outside (the Hollywood ideal of realism, the “God eye’s view” is only possible in fiction). Thus, the distinctions we make are never clear cuts, the opposites spill back in, and the dichotomies unite as the complementary parts of the same idea.

Following the program of Deborah Phillips, this program shows films originating both on digital video and 16mm film, including the film projection of Chris Kennedy CA
Simultaneous Contrast and Sarah Christman US Broad Channel

Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr

More about the Urban Research Programs at Directors Lounge:

Sat 18 | 6:45pm

pictured: Bandit Bull by Eduardo Srur

Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Cesy  Leonard  DE  Schuld. Die Barbarei Europas  16 min 00  2011

Eduardo  Srur  BR  Bandit Bull  3 min 22  2010

Russell J.  Chartier  US  Confined  3 min 34  

Daniel  Künzler  AT  Inside Pockets Of The City  13 min 17  2011

Diane  Nerwen  US  Up On The Farm  16 min  2011

Vladimir  Turner  CZ  Dum Z Karet  2 min 36  

pictured: The Scalable City by Sheldon Brown

Sheldon  Brown  US  The Scalable City   4 min 04  2007

Matt  Grau  DE  Lachen in der U-Bahn  2 min 59  2011

Eduardo  Srur  BR  Attack  3 min 34  2004

Brandstifter  DE  Ein kleines Stück Papier  10 min 00  2008

With special guests: Frank Behnke, Klaus Beyer, Brandstifter, Tanja Roolfs, Carsten Wagner (Ein kleines Stück Papier)

77 min


Brandstifter DE Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin 2011
Exhibition with lost and found sheets of paper

The installation “Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin 2011” at Directors Lounge works together with the screening of Brandstifter’s documentation of his long term concept “Ein kleines Stück Papier” for Urban Art Research, displaying the gathered remains from Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Lichtenberg, Mitte and Neukölln from the “lost&found art research tour Hannover-Berlin” Easter 2011 as a brief sample of his huge collection that he archives from public space since 1998.

The Poetry of Papers “The Asphaltbibliotheque shows how poetic and many-layered artistic reordering can make an idea that is simple in itself. Brandstifter understands how to charge the profane with the poetic, and in so doing to provide playfully anarchic inspiration to conceive the everyday world as a freely formable work of art.” (Martin Büsser, art critic, author, publisher, Testcard/Ventil Verlag)

Asphaltbibliotheque Brandstifter

Find more infos about the Urban Research Program and the films at richfilm