one not to miss if in Rome tonight: Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities

Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities, an international videoart festival and photography exhibition, will be held at the beautiful place of our friends in Rome,  The Ripa Hotel & Riparte Cafè. The venue of the event, will open its doors on Friday, July 06th until Sunday, July 08th.

Forty-one artists, twenty-six video artists and fifteen photo artists from different countries have been selected to be part of this project.

The selection, curated by Fabiana Roscioli and Luca Curci, has been based on the concept of “Hidden Cities & Hybrid Identities” that analyses the hybridization of physical and socialidentities in the contemporary cities.

The theme is about all the cities and places around the world. The colors of the hidden cities with his hybrid Identities merge: the day and the night, the neon light that illuminates the facades, the patchwork ofcontaminations, the passers, layers from top the bottom, undergrounds, built geometric shapes in which to play and invent memories. The urban landscape,and his human bodies, is not only formally captured but also perceptually. Its dynamics and features: into excess, in the immobile, or in the unfinished.

Riparte cafè & Spazio Suite , Rome – Italy

opening: July 06, 2012 at Ripa Hotel & Riparte Cafè (h. 6:30 pm), via degli Orti di Trastevere, 3 – Rome

photo exhibition:July 06 – August 05, 2012 /video screenings:July 06–07–08, 2012

via artresort

The Groovy Dada Lounge Revisited

Photographs by Robert Carrithers: Basquiat, Haring, the New York scene in the 1980s and the infamous Club 57.
At Fotograf Gallery, Školská 28, Prague,

21 March – 20 April 2012
Opening tonight:
20 March, 18:00–21:00
DJ Miki
Mark Steiner & His Problems
A showing of films of Cinema of Transgression by Nick Zedd

read more at placeboKatz: The Groovy Dada Lounge Revisited

pictured: Ann Magnuson when she was the manager of Club 57

photo by Robert Carrithers

Urban Habitat
A Co-Existence of the Senses
Opening 19 November 7 pm

‘In urban space I see an expression of a particular society’s values regarding democracy, identity and citizenship. Public and private space are key elements of the imagined communities we call nations. The displayed body of work investigate the individual’s relationship with their private habitat and the social built environment. From these two realms we construct our personal meaning of place.’ (Diego Ferrari)

Nearly everywhere, humanity is becoming urbanised. More than half of all people worldwide live in cities. The city is not only about buildings, yet the built environment dominates our experience of living in urban settings.

For over twenty years the photographic work of London-based photographer Diego Ferrari has investigated how people relate with space physically, intellectually and emotionally. The photographic project he is showing from 19 to 26 November 2010 at okk/raum29 focuses on everyday actions of the body in space, and individual emotional responses. The show is curated by urban dialogues’ artistic director.

Diego Ferrari (Argentina1965) is an artist and photographer. He studied at the Escola Llotja in Barcelona, completed a Fine Art BA at Goldsmith’s College University of London. He works in London and teaches on the master’s degree course on design and photography at the Escola Elisava in Barcelona. He also teaches ‘Photography, Art and Architecture’ at Central Saint Martins College of Art and is currently a tutor for the BA in photography at Kingston University, London. He has been commissioned amongst others during the last six years by Whitechapel Gallery (London), InIVA (Institute of International Visual Art, London), House of World Cultures (Berlin) and Fundacio d’ Espais d’Art Contemporani (Girona, Spain).

Galerie okk/raum 29

Prinzenallee 29, 13359 Berlin u8 pankstraße

Opening 19 November 7 pm

20 to 26 November 2010 daily 5 to 9 pm

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