WHY I WRITE just received the well deserved prize for the Best Poem Performance on Film at the Zebra Poetry Film Festival 2012.

Kosal Khiev, featured in a movie by Masahiro Sugano, gave an impressive live performance at the award ceremony. A true highlight of this year´s Zebra.

WHY I WRITE is the first episode in a series of spoken word videos by Khmer American exile Khiev Kosal in collaboration with Studio Revolt. Kosal, a poet and tattoo artist resides in Phnom Penh after spending 14 years of his life in a U.S. prison. Kosal tells pieces of his story through the art of spoken word poetry. His poetry is ripped from his guts and excavated from a place between confinement and freedom. Raw and unassuming, his performance makes walls disappear leaving room only for emotions. This spoken word video is an act for Kosal to reclaim his place in the world as a free man, a step that begins in Cambodia not America.

2011 / HD Video / 7 min 30 sec / Spoken Word
Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Masahiro Sugano
Artist: Kosal Khiev
Producer: Anida Yoeu Ali
Production Coordinator: Thea Som

for more visit Spoken Kosal

Directors Lounge (and otherwise) luminary Alexei Dmitriev (RU) has just been to Gorizia, Italy to the UN FILM PER LA PACE (A Film For Peace) Festival to accept the “Premio Speciale Miglior Film sul Disarmo” (Special Award for the Best Film on Disarmament). His black and white short “Hermaneutics” (2012) shares the distinction with “Picnic” (Gerardo Herado, ES, 2010). Congratulations from all at Team DL!

Fritz Stolberg´s Of This, Men Shall Know Nothing! awarded Best Experimental Film at the 9th London Short Film Festival.

‘The film combined fantastic surrealistic imagery and intriguing symbolism, which evinced a unique aesthetic vision’. London Short Film Festival 2012

compliments, well deserved.

Of This, Men Shall Know Nothing! will be screened as part of The 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge,

(via London Short Film Festival 2012)