Fri 17 | 7pm

pictured:Yumiko by Andreas Müller-Pohle

Kuratiert von Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Andreas Müller-Pohle, der bekannte Künstler, Fotograf und Herausgeber Zeitschrift European Photography präsentiert zum ersten Mal eine Auswahl seiner Videoarbeiten in einem Screening.

Entropia, screening version SV  6 min  1996

Hiroshima, SV  29/3/01  3 min  2002

Dark Waves, SV  2 min  2011

Zigzag  8 min 19  2011

Coasting  9 min 40  2011

Yumiko  8 min, looped  2002

Diskussion mit dem Publikum, Moderation K. W. Eisenlohr 15 min 

Araki at Work, SV  12 min  1996/2011

*SV: gekürzte Screening-Version

Directors Lounge presents the first theater screening with Andreas Müller-Pohle, widely known as a photographer and editor of European Photography, featuring a whole range of his video work.

Water would seem to play an important role in Andreas Müller-Pohle’s recent work, both in film and photography. It may also be a key for interpreting his work as a whole…. (read more at:)