• Frei fri 09 02
• 18 h 30 • 6.30pm FemLink: The Videocollage
30 artists from 30 countries
• The FemLink's structure is simple: one artist from each country will
create a short video (2mn max.) around a common theme.
In 2006, the theme is "Fragility". The resulting video collage project builds a link throughout the world between women video artists and their work.
30 videos from 30 artists from 30 countries.
• Das Konzept von FemLink ist simpel. Eine Kuenstlerin pro Land erstellt einen kurzen (max. 2 min) Film zu einem gemeinsamen Thema.
In 2006 ist "Fragility" (Zerbrechlichkeit) das Thema aller Videoarbeiten.
Die resultierende Collage aus Videos versteht sich als Bruecke zwischen den Kuenstlerinnen und ihren Herkunftslaendern.
30 videos von 30 Künstlerinnen aus 30 Laendern.
• Dalia Al Kury JO Beautiful Boy 2 min 2006
Full program here
•20 h • 8 pmUrban Research curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr
Gerichtete Bewegung Vectorial Space
• Oliver Whitehead FI Bike 4 min 30s, DV, 1999
• Seppo Renvall FI Drum Symphony Rumpu Zinfonia 21 min, DV,
• Oliver Whitehead FI Visual Violence 5 mIn 30s, DV, 1994
• Julie Murray CN Detroit Park 8 min, DV, 2005
• Thanos Chrysakis FI Nocturnal Dance 8 min 43s, DV, 2003
• Jeremy Beaudry US Wo ist Denkmal? 3 min 18s, DV, 2005
• Sari Carel FI One Eye Open 5 mIn 44s, DV, 2006
• Jani Ruscia FI Fluctuation Theme 7 min, DV, 2005
• Virginie Laganière CA Observatory 2 min, DV, 2006
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Themed Programme on Urban Development and Public Space
Julie Murray CN Detroit Park
Urban Research on Film is an ongoing film and video screening project selected by Klaus W. Eisenlohr for Directors Lounge in Berlin. Urban Research presents artists and filmmakers who address the progress of urbanity and who are concerned with urban space and public space in their work. more
• 22 h • 10 pm China Doc part 01 curated by Marina Foxley
Dream Walking
This special focus comprises of several long features and short videos and illustrates the singularity and the richness of independent Chinese documentary in a concise manner.
• Huang Wenhai CN Dream Walking (Meng You) 85 min, bw, 2005
• Li Wake CN Beyond Sound 30 min, DV, 2005
Marina Foxley will be present
In cooperation with Zhu Rikun and Fanhall Studio, Bejing
Dream Walking (Meng You)
They are painters, musicians, poets, performers. In the suffocating Beijing summer, they improvise a film, invent their life, discuss literature, art and religion. If they enjoy nakedness so much, it is perhaps in order to abandon the absurd roles that society imposes.
The film won the Great Prize at the Cinéma du Réel, Paris 2006.
Beyond Sound
One hundred years ago, the first movie appeared in China. At the same time, the first deaf and dumb school in China “School of Enlightening” was established. In 2005, for the 100th anniversary of Chinese Movie and the deaf and dumb school, Li Wake chooses deaf and dumb people as the leading actors of the film
• 24 h • 12 pm assorted shorts compiled by Directors Lounge
Body Works And Inuit Games
• Renata Padovan BR Silver Man 10 min, DV, 2006
•Usama and Kristie Alshaibi IQ/US Self -Contained 2 min 15s,16mm, 2004
• Marina Foxley FR Still Life 14 min, DV, 2006
• Anne Maisoneuve FR Inuit Games 7 min 39s, DV, 2006
• Marina Foxley FR Still Life on Directors Lounge television (low)
• Marina Foxley FR Still Life on Directors Lounge television (high)
Marina Foxley FR Still Life
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