Team Directors Lounge, photo: Nadya Cazan

Andre Werner, Directors Lounge, photo: KT/DL

Usaginingen (Emi and Shinichi) and Eberhard Kranemann, photo: Usaginingen

photo: KT/DL

Bryan Konefsky (Experiments in Cinema), photo: KT/DL

Canadian filmmaker Matthew Lancit, photo: Klaus W. Eisenlohr

The Rathaus Ramblers, photo: Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Kenton Turk (Directors Lounge) and filmmaker Cathy Lee Crane (US), photo: Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Julia Murakami (Directors Lounge) and Oded Arad (Israel), photo: KT/DL

Many thanks to all participants, guests, friends and new friends, helping hands, like-minded idealists, sympathizers, weirdos and fellow festivals!! Keep in mind: Happiness is a warm projector, to quote Bryan Konefsky.

Till the next one!

Team DL

More impressions from The 9th Berlin International Directors Lounge [DL9] here