Have you ever seen an experimental film? | DL at Timishort, Romania
Directors Lounge presents a program handpicked by Alexei Dmitriev at
Timishort in Timisoara, Romania, May 7th, 5pm
We are showing great films from around the world that already became
classics, but were never screened at Timishort due to the festival’s very
young age. We tried to fill it with works that are very diverse in topics
and techniques so this compilation could be a decent representation of
experimental cinema, especially for the ones who never encountered it.
Mihai Grecu / France / 2007 / HD / 07’58’’
An abstract dialogue between men and black dogs. In this cold and hostile
atmosphere, their gestures and reactions cause subtle tensions to arise.
Aggression and perplexity mutate the bodies and distort their environment.
Uso Justo
Coleman Miller / USA / 2005 / DV / 22’30’’
A 1950’s Mexican melodrama is turned inside out when an experimental
filmmaker arrives in the fictional town of Uso Justo .
Existential and hilarious, intelligent and ridiculous….Uso Justo is a
subtitled experience in black and white and color where all your wishes
can come true. Trust me.
Thorsten Fleisch / Germany / 2007 / HD / 05’08’’
From a mere technical point of view the ordinary tv/video screen comes
alive by a controlled beam of electrons in the cathode ray tube. For
‘Energie!’ an uncontrolled high voltage discharge of approx. 30.000 volts
exposes photographic paper which is then arranged in time to create new
visual systems of electron organization.
La Descente
Robert Croma / UK / 2010 / HD / 08’20’’
Descent (noun)
• an act of moving downwards, dropping, or falling
• a downward slope
• a moral, social, or psychological decline
~ Oxford English Dictionary
Planet Z
Momoko Seto / France / 2011 / 35mm / 09’30’’
Somewhere… the PLANET Z.
Plants rule on this planet, and all seems harmonious and delicate.
But liquid and sticky mushrooms show up little by little, and destroy the
idyllic life.
Back + Forth
Clint Enns / Canada / 2009 / Super 8mm / 03’20’’
Shot entirely in one take. This film documents the happenings on one of
the strangest streets in Winnipeg.
Dies Irae
Jean-Gabriel Périot / France / 2005 / DV / 09’45’’
, remember
That I am the cause of your journey
Don’t lose me on that way.
Alexei Dmitriev / Russia / 2005 / DV / 04’09’’
A slow dance of the classical cinema to the music of Zelany Rashoho.