Director: Özgür Akgül
60 min, turkish with english subtitles
German premiere
Wed 14 August 2013,9pm
The film invites to watch and listen to the music of Istanbul.
Romanistanbul provides an insider view onto the current music scene of the megacity on the Bosporus with the example of a number of musicians who fuse traditional turkish music with current tunes, and who are member of the Roma minority in Istanbul: Ismail Tunçbilek, Orhan Sallıel, Göksun Çavdar, Hüsnü Senlendirici, Aytaç Dogan, Hasan Gözetlik, Mustafa Uysal (Kasık Mustafa), Cüneyt Sepetçi and Sercan Çalanlı (Arap).
At the same time a wonderful music film that allows the music to tell its own story, the film also gives the musicians a voice to tell their story and their engagement with music. Their commitment to music, to the tunes of Istanbul is also connected with their identity and the struggle of the Roma to be accepted as a part of the contemporary society. The film thus also mirrors the rapid changes, and current movements of this city between the promises of a global city, an expanding music scene and different cultural identities.
The director will be present for Q&A.
alte feuerwache >> projektraum
Marchlewskistraße 6
10243 Berlin
Telefon 030 | 293 47 94 26
U5 Weberwiese
Film Links:
Part of the exhibition „Exploring Istanbul"
A project by
Photocentrum am Wassertor
vhs Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
with support of
Städtepartnerschaftsverein Kadiköy e. V.
A Directors Lounge Screening