Directors Lounge Screening:
Gabriel Lyons Loeb
Poems & Trampolines
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Bergstraße 2
10115 Berlin-Mitte
Gabriel Lyons Loeb is in love with pixelation and other digital artifacts as other artists are with the “Wabisabi” of Super-8, and the illuminating technical flaws of “spaghetti-style” developed small gauge film. For years now, he has used an old mobile phone camera to explore his surroundings and the media. He combines his poetry with video “blow-ups”, either coming from his own footage or from footage appropriated from the internet. One may ask if it is his love for a specific aesthetic, or if it is an artistic-bohemian gesture to use the cheapest material and a look that we usually regard as an internet-related shortcoming. It may be both, however, there may be a third motivation: in his final years at university he studied the effects of endless repetitions of footage he found on youtube and other transformative experiments, mainly by exposing himself. As earlier avant-gardists and pop-Artists such as Bruce Conner and Andy Warhol already found out, repetitions have a changing effect on our cognition and psyche.
His film “you smell good now” the longest film in the presentation may have a similar effect on the mind, even if not by repetition. It is a semi-narrative, semi-documentary style blow-up of 176x144px footage of Ann Arbor in winter. Shot during his partner’s three day visit, the film occurs in his favorite places. The fictive characters explore the town in an adolescent flaneurship sometimes becoming a passage à l’acte. In other parts of the film, they seem to conceive spontaneous lines of poetry from their experiences.
“wintersgarden” is another film shot in winter time, this time all around the place where he has lived for a year in Berlin-Neukölln. This time, it is a fuzzy portrait of “Körner Kiez” in winter colors and the chance-encounters on his walks. It uses another technique we know from analog filmmakers: it is edited in-camera, but then combined with big letters that for the viewer may or may not come together as a winter poem. The program will be completed with a number of poetry related films, some of which the author made on demand as part of a service previously offered through his website.
Gabriel Lyons Loeb will be present for Q&A. Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr
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