Book Presentation
Friday, 20 October, 19.00
Echo Bücher, Berlin
Grüntalerstrasse 9, 13357 Berlin

Introduction: Klaus W. Eisenlohr
Concert by Katharina Klement (Zither, Elektronic)

Doris Schmid is a Berlin artist who has contributed to Directors Lounge screenings and festivals for many years. The book is connected with a screening of Doris Schmid at Directors Lounge Screenings in September 2014. The discussion with curator Klaus W. Eisenlohr after the screening was recorded and resumed on another day. The edited version of the conversation gives a valuable insight of the ideas, background and process of filmmaking of Doris Schmid. The book altogether has become an art project interweaving filmstills, photographs, texts and responses of divers musicians and authors.

Artist book, 2017, Hardcover
Deutsch / Englisch, 192 Seiten
Schlebrügge.editor Verlag für zeitgenössische Kunst, Wien

With contributions by Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Katharina Klement, Klaus Merz,
Jürgen Palmtag and Thomas Peter

Grafik design: Petra Egg, Translation: Helen Adkins

Echo Bücher
Grüntalerstrasse 9, 13357 Berlin

Looking forward to see you at the book presentation!
Doris and everybody involved

Directors Lounge Screening:

Doris Schmid

Thursday, 25 September 2014
Bergstraße 2
10115 Berlin-Mitte

The artist Doris Schmid, who lives in Berlin, works in very subtle ways with the meaning of images, and against it. She uses the instance of implied narratives, or better saying the seduction of narration as an opportunity to enhance other image qualities such as perceptions of time, augmented spacial illusions, the vanishing of the image, or its apparition. Schmid for this purpose uses layering of video images, and then condenses them by a meticulous editing process.

Layers bring different or similar images together and create a multi-dimensional image composition. Initially however, the layers are being created by projecting on 3-dimensional surfaces, instead of digital compositing. These surfaces may be hand-made cut-outs that look like drawings from stills, or they may be moving surfaces, projections from a car or a train onto houses; but they are always closely related to the moving image in some ways. The final videos seem to have an analogue and performative quality, and they thus unsettle the common image perceptions of film.

The artist will be available for Q&A. Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr.

Artist Links:

Directors Lounge