Directors Lounge Screening:
Chris Henschke
Experimental Capture
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Bergstraße 2,10115 Berlin-Mitte
Chris Henschke was artist in residence at the Australian Synchrotron in 2007-2008 and 2010, and his work has been much influenced by the desk to desk collaborations with scientists since then. Lately, he was also invited to the famous CERN in Switzerland, which hit the news for the probable discovery of the Higgs boson. Henschke sees many similarities between the work of artists and scientists, but he also sees a mayor difference in the perception of experimentation: “empirical science is based upon observation and measurement of repeatable experiments; however, in a phenomenological sense every experiment and observation is unique.”
In his work, Henschke on one hand documents his experiences at the Synchrotron, and combines it with visual observations and re-edits the footage in experimental ways. On the other hand, he started to do his own experiments with high voltage with a diversity of objects. Third, and possibly another way of experimentation, he plays electronic music and creates visuals that combine camera images with effects driven by the music.
Chris Henschke will be present for Q&A. Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr
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Directors Lounge
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