“It’s such a quiet, such an inspiring place! I’m dreaming of a “cultural laboratory” at the edge of Waldviertel.
Together with a wonderful young team, each one brilliant in her/his discipline, I’m attempting to transform a centuries-old farmhouse into a venue where future can happen. From architects to engineers, from app-developers to farmers, from philosophers to visual artists – it’s the full range of knowledge which is culminating in C-LAB! And which shall make for a cool, relevant place on this planet.” Lena von Lapshina
Austrian multi-media and video artist Lena von Lapshina, a one woman army for the art and all things cool, is going to create a save spot, a den for collaborations in the pittoresque village Rappolz – within driving distance from Vienna.
Help Lena to bring a historic farmhouse to life again and convert it into C-LAB, a place where interdisciplinary communication and creative production can happen.
There are many amazing surprises you can get by backing this fine project. Go see.