Directors Lounge presents the EXQUISITE CORPSE VIDEO PROJECT vol. #05 crisis & utopia | C.A.R. Video Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, October 28 – 30, 2016

The Exquisite Corpse Video Project (ECVP) is a unique video collaboration among artists from all over the world, inspired by the Surrealist creation method, the “Exquisite Corpse”.

Using the semi-blind, sequential method of the surrealists’ game, ECVP participants create video art in response to the final ten seconds of the previous member’s work. Each member is asked to incorporate these seconds into their piece, creating transitions as they please, until everyone’s vision is threaded together into an instigating final “corpse”. Rather than providing a unitary linear narrative, each participant maintains his/her own style,permeated by the diverse cultural backgrounds. Each individual artist interrogates, via different means, a number of genres, tendencies and strategies. Since 2008, this inspiring process of exchange among artists from around the world illuminates the possibilities of a dynamic collective creation via participatory platforms and new communication technology.

The project has been already shown in galleries, museums, cinemas and alternative spaces of Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK and US. Some of the main spaces that have exhibited the ECVP include the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires, Central Gallery in São Paulo, Open Contemporary Art Center in Taiwan, Galerie Carla Magna in Paris, Visual Arts Network in Cape Town, Artists Television Access in San Francisco and Videoformes Festival in Clermont-Ferrand.

The ECVP was initiated in 2008 by the Brazilian artist Kika Nicolela and it has had 5 volumes released. The most recent one, ECVP Volume#5, proposes the theme of Crisis & Utopia.


ECVP Vol.5: 41 minutes

Alexandra Gelis (Colombia/Canada), Alysse Stepanian (US), Anders Weberg (Sweden), Anthony Siarkiewicz (US/Germany), Clemence Demesme (France), Dellani Lima (Brazil), Fernando Velazquez (Brazil), Gabriel Soucheyre (France), Gérard Chauvin (France), Guillermina Buzio (Argentina/Canada), John Sanborn (US), Jorge Lozano (Colombia/Canada), Kai Lossgott (South Africa), Kika Nicolela (Brazil/Belgium), Kim Dotty Hachmann (Germany), Krefer (Brazil), Laura Colmenares Guerra (Colombia/Belgium), Lucas Bambozzi (Brazil), Niclas Hallberg (Sweden), Per E Riksson (Sweden), Renata Padovan (Brazil), Sigrid Coggins (France), Simone Stoll (Germany), Sojin Chun (South Korea/Canada), Stina Pehrsdotter (Sweden), Ulf Kristiansen (Norway)

Read more: Directors Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, Oct. 2016

Göllner: Michael Caine Series

Directors Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, October 28 – 30, 2016

The key to understanding Carola Göllner’s works of Michael Caine, is not to contemplate how correctly she figuratively represents him in her works, but rather to realize how his iconographic qualities sustain in the work as a whole. The Michael Caine series of paintings and drawings, which began in 1987, exemplifies many of the stylistic changes and overall artistic development of Göllner.

The more recent projects reflect the return of realism, which can be seen both formally as well as in the interpretation. The subject is freed from his role. The action is balanced with contemplation reflecting the psychological aspect of image and representation, which is relentless but not distant.


Die Serie der „Michael – Caine“- Bilder, die 1987 begann, zeigt beispielhaft die stilistischen Veränderungen und die künstlerische Entwicklung im Werk von Carola Göllner.

Gezeigt werden Arbeiten der letzten Jahre, die sowohl formal als auch inhaltlich die Hinwendung zum Realismus widerspiegeln. Es zeigt sich der psychologische Aspekt von Bild und Bildnis, der Akteur ist sich seiner Rollen bewusst und interpretiert sie mit derselben ironischen Überhöhung, die den B-Filmen zu eigen ist, denen sie entlehnt wurden.

Read more: Directors Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, Oct. 2016

Directors Lounge presents “Flight | forward” by Medienwerkstatt Berlin | C.A.R. Video Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, October 28 – 30, 2016

Flight | forward

In a time where hate, violence and destruction shape our daily news we would mostly like just to run away. But the question is where to. Our flight forward leads us into the imaginary, into the utopia or into desperation. Against the everyday madness of diverse control authorities and interlinking providers we counterpose the radical transformation. (text: Sandra Becker)

Pictured: Ludo by Lioba von den Driesch

Flucht | nach vorne

In einer Zeit, wo Hass, Gewalt und Zerstörung unsere Nachrichten prägen, würden wir am liebsten weglaufen. Die Frage ist bloß wohin. Unsere Flucht nach vorne geht ins Imaginäre, ins Utopische oder auch in die Verzweiflung. Dem alltäglichen Wahnsinn unterschiedlichster Kontrollinstanzen und      Schaltströmungen setzen wir einen radikalen Wandel entgegen. Hass wird zu Liebe und Zerstörung zu Schöpfung. (Text: Sandra Becker)


pictured: Nichts by Juliane Ebner


     Jani Pietsch : Ausgesperrt (2014)
     Verena Kyselka : Shahbag (2013/16)
     Maria Köhne : Go (2016)
     Sandra Becker 01 : Füsse (2015)
     Poul Weile : BimJam (2016)
     Kim Dotty Hachmann & Ginny Sykes : healing grounds (2013/15)
     Maria Korporal : Third Eye Flying (2014)
     Sonia Armaniaco : Remain In Light | This Is Not a Pipe (2016)
     Lioba von den Driesch : Ludo (2015/16)
     Juliane Ebner : Nichts (2016)
     Gup-py : Hinter der Tür (2012)
     Petra Lottje : Variation (2016)


pictured: Füsse by Sandra Becker 01

Read more: Directors Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, Oct. 2016

NYC 1986 by Miron Zownir

APOTROPIA “Sense of Place”, 2015

Victor Bockris, West Village, New York City 2015 by Robert Carrithers

Wuttin Chansataboot „16 X 9 Capsule“ 06:43, 2014

Directors Lounge heading for contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.), the media art fair, June 3  5, 2016

Find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance in hall 35 (A35), ground floor.

Artists | DL booth
Miron Zownir, Robert Carrithers, Julia Murakami, André Werner, Alan Smithee

DL | C.A.R. Video Lounge
With works by Wuttin Chansataboot, APOTROPIA, Minos Nikolakakis among others…

“One Minute Volume 9″ curated by Kerry Baldry
Kerry Baldry is an artist film maker and curator. Over the last 8 years she has also been compiling and organising screenings of  artists moving image titled One Minute. An eclectic mix of work made within the duration of one mInute by artists at varying stages of their careers. These compilations (nine volumes todate) have been screened worldwide. She is currently organising The One Minute Hull Artists Moving Image Festival. READ MORE

Medienwerkstatt Berlin  The Medienwerkstatt was installed in 2008 by the Kulturwerk of bbk berlin with public funds as a workshop of artists for artists to further their practice and gain valuable skills. Besides the many technical facilities available to users of the Medienwerkstatt, such as the Media Lab and Green Screen room, the media workshops themselves strengthen and interlink mutual support networks among artists.

With works by Ieva Jansone, Deborah Uhde, Gaby Schulze, Sarah Wölker, Maria Korporal , Mara Loytved-Hardegg, Karen Thastum

contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.), the media art fair
World Cultural Heritage Site Zollverein | June 3-5, 2016

Official Opening
Friday, June 3, 8 pm

Public fair hours
Saturday, June 4, 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday, June 5, 11 am – 7 pm

World Cultural Heritage Site Zollverein XII
SANAA building, Areal A, Hall A35, Gelsenkirchener Strasse 209, 45309 Essen

Site map | detailed service information

click images for credit

Directors Lounge presents photographs by Miron Zownir | Contemporary Art Ruhr, June 3-5, 2016

“Zownir creates a mysterious sense of timelessness that takes the viewer to the realm of hyper-reality. It is impossible not to feel an intense emotional response when exposed to Zownir’s work. He is one of those rare artists whose empathy burns through his images, championing misfits and dreamers who live out their lives a long way beneath the radar of "acceptable” society – just in between the blank spaces of the newspaper obituaries, and the dark shadows of the tenement housing blocks.“ DAZED & CONFUSED

Hailed by Terry Southern as the "Poet of Radical Photography” Miron Zownir’s photographic work has been exhibited in galleries and museums in several countries from 1981 on. Some of his photographs were shown amongst artworks of the likes of Goya, Picasso, Alfred Kubin and Cindy Sherman in the exhibition ‘El salvaie europeo’ (2004) in Barcelona and Valencia.

In autumn 2008 Zownir’s photography was presented by the Fotomuseum Winterthur (CH) along with works of photographers like Robert Mapplethorpe, Man Ray, Nan Goldin, Larry Clark, Andy Warhol, Nobuyoshi Araki and others in DARKSIDE I, an outstanding exhibition which showcased a remarkable collection of photography that is dedicated to images of sexuality as a mostly central part of our existence.

Following Darkside I, the Fotomuseum Winterthur again presented Zownir’s work in Darkside II (2009) exploring the photographed human body as victim of impairment, disease, degeneration, violence and death with works by W. Eugene Smith, Weegee, Robert Capa, Don Mc Cullin and others.

Zownir took up photography in the late 70s during the hey-days of the punk-phenomenon in West- Berlin and London, delivering a tight portrayal of the movement and its peculiar attitude towards life in limbo between a utopian vision of anarchy and nihilistic self-destruction.

In 1980, Miron Zownir emigrated to the USA, where he lived for the next fifteen years; first in New York, then in Los Angeles, and Pittsburgh. In New York, back then arguably the world’s most fascinating and permissive metropolis, Zownir’s peculiar approach to cover the city’s multiple-layered day-to-day lunacy was quickly recognised by the local scene as the TEUTONIC PHENOMENOGRAPHER (Village Voice). Shot in moody, expressionistic b/w, Zownir’s pictures from that period give a penetrating insight to inner-city sub-cultural spheres, which, in their original local context, have since perished in the boom of the 90s. His lens captured the untamed lust at the gay-parties, just shortly before Aids massively claimed its victims; the futile protest of artists and offbeat performers; the hopelessness on the Bowery; the shadowy world of hookers or junkies.

Zownir’s photographs of the ‘Sex Piers’ have become legendary documents by now. The shut-down and dilapidated port area located between the Westside Highway and the Hudson River, with its sunbathing section for nudists and the surrounding ‘halls of the anonymous lust’, was a popular meeting place among the gay- scene.

Zownir meanwhile has gained the reputation of being one of the most uncompromising contemporary photographers. Some critics claim that Zownir, in his own characteristic manner, ties on where Diane Arbus and Weegee had stopped. But when it comes to the basis of his artistic intention, Miron Zownir would rather point to a quote from Kafka’s ‘The Castle’ then being compared to other photographers: “If one has the strength to look at the things incessantly, more or less without ever closing the eyes, one sees much. But if one lessens the effort only once and closes the eyes, it all immediately vanishes into darkness.”

In summer 1995 Zownir traveled to Russia. Focused on street photography he took pictures of homeless, dying and dead people. According to Zownir, he experienced Moscow as “the most aggressive and dangerous city I’ve ever been to.” Yet even Russian militia couldn’t keep him away from depicting the blatant social and moral decline in the former Soviet Union. Zownir’s images from Russia are bitter and brutal, and highly distressing to view. The human tragic of radical poverty, that they reveal, ultimately climaxes in the utterly undignified act of dying in public. “It was Dante’s inferno,” Zownir would state when he returned to Berlin after three months of a terrifying descend into the lower depths of the Post-Soviet society.
His photographs from Moscow and St. Petersburg had been published among 150 other works from 1979-1997 in RADICAL EYE – THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF MIRON ZOWNIR (Gestalten Verlag, Berlin, 1997).

Zownir’s focus on extreme subjects and extraordinary forms of the human condition continued to be the central motivation of his work. In the ‘Holy Year’ 2000, he went to picture pilgrims in Lourdes and accompanied a fraternity of Christian flagellants in Spain.
Another photo book, THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW (2010), was again published by Gestalten Verlag . “As in life, there is simply no room for this kind of photography in traditional lifestyle media – or for Miron Zownir’s chosen subjects”, publisher Robert Klanten stated in his preface. “While mainstream photography has thrown off its original reportage mandate to become the vicarious agent of the advertising business – glossy and glam, even in its grittier incarnations – or to supply us with iconic images of historic events, with instant placeholders destined to become part of our collective memories and lore, Miron does not seek out such landmark visions or events, but prefers to hunt down personal obsessions and the inherent existential state of his protagonists.“

In 2014 Miron Zownir’s photographic documentation from Moscow 1995 had been published in its entirety under the title DOWN AND OUT IN MOSCOW by Berlin-based Pogo Books Publishing.

A grant by the Robert Bosch Foundation in 2012/2013 enabled Miron Zownir, in partnership with the editor of the Ukrainian literary and art magazine “Prostory” Kateryna Mishchenko to work on the photo book project “Ukrainian Night”. They toured several parts of the Ukraine and met with a wide range of realities of urban life in different regions. Through close contact with local activists they obtained insights into the often abysmal social life of different marginalized groups, for example drug addicted homeless adolescents dwelling in run down houses and ruins in Odessa. In the course of their photographic journey Zownir, whose father was Ukrainian, photographed also TB patients, HIV-positive orphans or residents of various Roma camps, showing the fringe of society that has been invisible so far in the Ukrainian and foreign media. In his b / w photographs signs of the revolution are already perceptible. The images demand a social and political reflection of the now ubiquitous nationwide crisis. In 2014 Zownir again went to visit Kiev and documented the Majdan as the central square of the visible chaos of the post-revolution, as a place of desolation, great perplexity and silent grief about the people who lost their lives in the uprise.

The photo book UKRAINIAN NIGHT with over hundred photographs by Miron Zownir and essays by Kateryna Mishchenko will be published by Spector Books in spring 2015.

Not to miss:

Miron Zownir, Ken Schles, Jeffrey Silverthorne, May 5 − August 7, 2016 at The House Of Photography | Deichtorhallen Hamburg

“Down and Out in Moscow” at  KH5 Gallery, Zurich, June 2 – June 9 Event

Directors Lounge heading for contemporary art ruhr.
(C.A.R.), the media art fair, June 3 5, 2016

Find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance in hall 35 (A35), ground floor. 

More info

APOTROPIA Sense of Place, 2015

APOTROPIA Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace, 2016

Directors Lounge presents works by APOTROPIA | Contemporary Art Ruhr, June 3-5, 2016

APOTROPIA is a duo based in Rome, Italy, consisting of dancer/media artist Antonella Mignone and artist/composer Cristiano Panepuccia. Their work explores the interconnections between performing arts and all forms of audiovisual expressions.

Sense of Place, 2015
The term “sense of place” may describe both an arrangement of features that makes a place unique and the sensation and perception of place as experienced by the living bodies that belong to it.

The body is our general medium for having a world and our relationship to space is inevitably connected with culture and shaped by the kind of bodies we have.

Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace, 2016
Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace
takes inspiration from the concept of emotional memory, depicting the encounter of two lovers in a liminal dimension, a place where movements preserve the memory of the past and create a synthesis of the entire action.
The work has been created with a mix of body projection, light painting, real time randomization and animation techniques.

Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace and Sense of Place are both chapters that constitute DROP , a project divided into several autonomous works focusing on the dialectical relationship between the concept of Infinity and Control as a fundamental issue of human nature.

Directors Lounge heading for contemporary art ruhr.
(C.A.R.), the media art fair, June 3 5, 2016

Find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance in hall 35 (A35), ground floor. 

More info


Directors Lounge presents “One Minute Volume 9″ curated by Kerry Baldry | C.A.R. Video Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr, June 3-5, 2016

Kerry Baldry is an artist film maker and curator. Over the last 8 years she has also been compiling and organising screenings of  artists moving image titled One Minute. An eclectic mix of work made within the duration of one mInute by artists at varying stages of their careers. These compilations (eight volumes todate) have been screened worldwide. She is currently organising The One Minute Hull Artists Moving Image Festival. 

“One Minute Volume 9″ with works by Tony Hill, Paul Tarrago, Eva Rudlinger, Kayla Parker and Stuart Moore, Rose Butler, Steven Woloshen, Erica Suderburg, Michael Szpakowski, sam renseiw, Philip Sanderson, Anna Mortimer, Karissa Hahn, Stuart Pound and Rosemary Norman, Scott Fitzpatrick, Peter Martin, Chris Paul Daniels, Kypros Kyprianou, Katharine Meynell, Grant Petrey, Jonathan Spencer, My Name is Scot, Kerry Baldry, Sam Meech, Amy Lunn, Nick Herbert, Julia Dogra-Brazell, Chris Meigh-Andrews, Gordan Dawson and Louisa Minkin, David Chatton Barker, Heather Ross, Nicky Hamlyn, Marty St. James, Maud Haya Baviera, Chris A. Wright, Rachel Allain, Ellie Kyungran Heo and Zhel (Zelijko Vujicevic)

Directors Lounge heading for contemporary art ruhr.
(C.A.R.), the media art fair, June 3 5, 2016

Find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance in hall 35 (A35), ground floor. 

More info

image: Stuart Pound and Rosemary Norman

Directors Lounge at Contemporary Art Ruhr 2015 at World Heritage Site Zeche Zollverein

Directors Lounge at contemporary art ruhr, SANAA building 2015

Directors Lounge at Contemporary Art Ruhr 2015: André Werner’s interactive installation “Viennese Catherine Window”, 2014 (detail)

Directors Lounge at Contemporary Art Ruhr 2015: André Werner’s interactive installation “Viennese Catherine Window”, 2014 (detail)

Directors Lounge at Contemporary Art Ruhr 2015: “Exercises in Levitation”, 2015 by Julia Murakami at the DL booth

Directors Lounge at Contemporary Art Ruhr 2015: Joachim Seinfeld with works from the series “Wenn Deutsche lustig sind”

Directors Lounge at contemporary art ruhr: The C.A.R. video lounge is ready!

Directors Lounge at Contemporary Art Ruhr 2015: Untitled from the series “Von der Quadratur des Kreises” by Reinhold Gottwald (left) | “Viennese Catherine Window”, 2014 by André Werner

Directors Lounge at Contemporary Art Ruhr 2015: Sunset at Zeche Zollverein

Some snaps from the DL booth at contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.), the innovative art fair, 2015

more about this event

Guy Maddin | Glorious

Joachim Seinfeld, Wenn Deutsche lustig sind: WK 1, 1917 – Luftkampf;2014 | digitaler Silbergelatineprint auf Baryt; Papiermaße 50×60 cm

Julia Murakami | Exercises in Levitation I (series), 2015

Directors Lounge heading for contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.), the innovative art fair, 30 Oct – 1 November 2015

Find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance in hall 35 (A35), ground floor. We’ll see you there, right?

DL at the C.A.R. Video Lounge
With works by Daina Krumins (US) and Guy Maddin (CA) – a liberal smattering of two top-shelfers who have managed to burn feverish holes into the international psyche… read more

Artists presented at the DL booth
Reinhold Gottwald, Julia Murakami, Joachim Seinfeld, Alan Smithee, André Werner (pictured: “Viennese Catherine Window" by A. Werner, closed circuit installation, 2014)


Medienwerkstatt Berlin 
| Surveillance

“Schalten und Walten”: a selection of videos focussing on surveillance at the C.A.R. Video Lounge with works by Gabriele Stellbaum, Juliane Ebner, Fried Rosenstock, Youjia Lu, Barbara Steppe, Judith Groth / Frederike Vidal, Stephanie Hanna, Bettina Rave, Ariane Loze, Beate Maria Wörz, Sandra Becker, Petra Lottje, Yagama Jogmaya, Catherine Biocca, Maria Koehne, Gisela Weimann | pictured: Ariane Loze „Subordination“  … read more


contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.), the innovative art fair
World Cultural Heritage Site Zollverein | 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2015

Fri, October 30, 8 pm, V.I.P.-Preview, 6 pm

Public fair hours
Sat, October 30, 12 am – 8 pm
Sun, November, 1, 11 am – 7 pm

World Cultural Heritage Site Zollverein XII

Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181/ 209, 
45309 Essen

Site plan  | Site map | detailed service information