Julia Murakami and Stephan Hilpert DE Mr. Blackburn 40s 2014 World Premiere

Andre Werner DE Opening Robert Rauschenberg 6 min 37s 1990

Erdal Inci TR Taksim Spiral 0,8s 2013

Sandra Becker01 DE Processing 2 min 2013

Hara Katsiki DE Starseed 2013

Hye Young Kim KR Unfulfilled Desire II Blindness 21 min 2013

Alan Smithee Are You Afraid Of … 2013

Directors Lounge at Gallery On, Seoul / South Korea,
C.A.R. Network III, the innovative art fair, 9 July – 1 August 2014
Opening Reception: 9 July, 5 pm

Gallery On, B1 Young-chung Bd. 69 Sagan-dong Jongno-gu Seoul 110-190 Korea

Directors Lounge, the Berlin-based platform for contemporary art and media, presents selected single channel works at Gallery On, Seoul during the C.A.R. Network III. The looped installations range from classic short animation to gif-based online works and interactive processing, giving a glimpse into new tendencies of motion-based media art.
With video works by Sandra Becker01, Erdal Inci, Hara Katsiki, Hye Young Kim, Julia Murakami and Stephan Hilpert, Alan Smithee, Andre Werner

List of video works:
Sandra Becker01 DE Processing 2 min 2013
Erdal Inci TR Taksim Spiral 0,8s  2013 / Pictogram 1,4s  2013 / Hieropolis Amphitheatre 1,4s  2013 / Flood of Light 1,4s 2013 / Camondo Stairs 0,4s 2013
Hara Katsiki DE Starseed 2013
Hye Young Kim KR Unfulfilled Desire II Blindness 21 min 2013
Julia Murakami and Stephan Hilpert DE Mr. Blackburn 40s 2014 score: Darius Greene, World Premiere
Alan Smithee Are You Afraid Of … 2013
Andre Werner DE Opening Robert Rauschenberg 6 min 37s 1990