Directors Lounge at the Filmmuseum Duesseldorf, April 20th, 7pm – 2am
We have been kindly invited by the Filmmuseum Duesseldorf to present selected shorts during Duesseldorf´s Night Of The Museums, a special art event when 40 museums and galleries open their doors for one night.
During this night, all of Duesseldorf’s cultural establishments present an exciting program from music, workshops, lectures to art, as well as a wide scale of culinary surprises.
We screen three programs, next to an animation-special, curated and presented by Kim Collmer and a luminosacoustic live performance by Croatian artists Lightune.G (Bojan Gagic and Miodrag Gladovic)
Show me shorts! #1
around 7:30pm
Joerg Brinkmann DE Entschleunigter Moses 02:05 2011
Claudia Guilino DE Stony Sleep 06:24 2011
Pasha Е RU Robots 04:39 2009 music: Dolphin
Roger Deutsch US Prelude 07:15 2011
Charles Fairbanks US/MX Irma 12:15 2010
Emilio Rizzo IT The Story of Dreams 02:38 2009
Richard Pierre CA Squeaky Shoe 01:50 2012
Reuben Sutherland GB Happy Up Here 02:58 2009
Andre Chi Sing Yuen DE Sword-Sharpness of Expression 02:26 2012
Bruce Knox DE Alienated 02:32 2011
Antoine Hilaire FR Cross the Fader 03:26 2008 music: Jamaica
Heiko Daxl and Ingeborg Fuelepp DE Tomaten 03:00 2004
Masha Godovannaya RU Untitled #1 04:00 2005
music: Gianluca Porcu aka LU
Show me shorts! #2
around 10:30pm
Nina Lassila FI Günter und Mutti 03:17 2011
Simon Ellis GB What About The Bodies 07:20 2002
Lucia Nimcova SK Exercise 05:54 2007
Neil Ira Needleman US A Charming And Quaint Tale Of Brutal Revenge 07:50 2012
stock`n`wolf / Tinka Stock & Sèbastien Wolf DE Bob Log`s III Electric Fence 02:25 2005
Franz Wanner DE pitrs 01:11 2000
D. Kimm & Brigitte Henry CA Mademoiselle Clara, Rabbit-Tamer 06:26 2010
Andre Werner DE Die Augen Der Menschheit 14:00 2007
Kote Camacho ES La Gran Carrera 06:55 2011
Chema Garcia Ibarra ES The Attack Of The Robots From Nebula-5 06:20 2008
Javier Chillon ES Decapoda Shock 09:15 2011
Guilherme Marcodes BR Tyger 04:30 2006
Juan Pablo Zaramella AR Luminaris 06:00 2011
Show me shorts! #3
around midnight
Coleman MillerUS Uso Justo 22:00 2005
Sandra Araújo PT Tape Loading Error 02:55 2012
Oded Arad IL Bartholomew 09:08 2012
Karl F. Stewart DE/US Animaux Découpages 04:33 2012
Mario DeGiglio-Bellemare CA Main Attraction 30:00 2011
Make the Girl Dance FR Baby Baby Baby 04:21 2009 music: Make the Girl Dance
John Christopher Gibson US Gillespie 08:08 2010
Joe McClean and Sarju Patel US How To Make David Lynch Movie 09:50 2011
Keith Schofield US Toe Jam 03:27 2008 music: The BPA
Black Box, Filmmuseum Duesseldorf, Schulstraße 4, 40213 Duesseldorf
pictured: still from Coleman Miller’s “Uso Justo”