16.02.13 / Saturday / Day 10
Dive into the international pool of the Directors Lounge Open Call, not once, not twice, but THREE times, with back-to-back DL Selection programs that rule this night of short film splashes. DL Selection V throws up three of tonight’s six World Premieres, one each from the US (JB Mabe), Italy (Fabio Scacchioli & Vincenzo Core) and Germany. Petra Lottje is personally on hand for the last of these, with her quick flick “Also gut”. Also in the swim of the visiting filmmakers in this block is Daniela Zahlner (Austria) with “Bolex Mon Amour”. Throw in a European and two German Premieres, plus a host of other short film pearls and you’ve got a cinematic high-water mark, starting at 18:00 (6:00 pm). Selection VI (at 21:00/9:00 pm) is no less buoyant, with one European and two World Premieres (from Canada’s Grace Wang and France’s Pierre et Jean Villemin) in this set, plus a visit from Alina Cyranek (DE/CN) with her short dip “Fractured”. The third grouping, DL Selection VII at 22:15 (10:15 pm), has another World Premiere (from Christinavon Greve, DE) plus one German and three European ones. Bernd Lützeler will also be in attendance to shed light on “The Voice of God”. A set to wade chin-deep in! Then Lilian-Maria does it live at 23:30 (11:30 pm), purring and growling out music to get happily drenched in. Powerful strokes toward the horizon follow from Sternchen house DJs Jouka & Stupid Muzak, who set down beats you can submerge yourself into in the open-end Night Lounge. Leave dry land (and film events) and take the plunge with us tonight!
Sat. 16 the program
the complete program
pictured: Bernd Lützeler The Voice of God; Josh Weissbach, 106 River Road