10.02.13 / Sunday / Day 4
Heiko Daxl and Ingeborg Fülepp, longtime media art names-to-know, together founded Media in Motion, which is just that: media art with legs to travel internationally. After Daxl’s passing last year, Fülepp continued their joint efforts, and brings to DL9 some of his early video works as well as works produced together. Sorely missed, Heiko Daxl returns via the screen (18:00/6:00 pm). The first of two World Premieres follows: India far from the familiar squalor or Bollywood, the new India, in Ajitesh Sharma’s drama “SWEN” (from “South West East North”), which follows four women and their unexpected connection. [DL9] is especially honoured to welcome the film’s stars Reeth Mazumder and Johnny Baweja (aka Gurjot Singh) in person, flying in from India for this occasion. A rare opportunity to meet these heartthrobs of Indian cinema in the flesh. Presented by Tripat Paul Aggarwal, First Vice President of International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) at 19:30 (7:30 pm). Not to miss! From here (21:30/9:30 pm), also in World Premiere, we dive into the seedy world of Miron Zownir’s “Absturz” (“Washout”), with Deutscher Filmpreis winner Birol Ünel as well as Rummelsnuff, Gloria Viagra and other striking Berlin creatures, also in attendance tonight with the director. This short was filmed in Naherholung Sternchen, exactly where you will be seated when viewing the film… the rarest of film-meets-reality experiences. Then at 22:00 (10:00 pm)“Dirty Old Town” (by Jenner Furst, Daniel B. Levin and Julia Willoughby Nason) presented by Dietmar Kirves whisks you to New York’s in flux Bowery district. “Fucking real” says Abel Ferrara; “Oddly touching” says Jim Jarmusch. Around 23:00 (11:00 pm), Kraftwerk founding member Eberhard Kranemann performs an audio-visual set live with Usaginingen/Taco of Japan, and the Night Lounge rounds is all off. A Sunday extraordinaire… be on board!
Sun 10 the program
the complete program