Thurs 14 | 11 pm

Paradise East by Nick Taylor (US)

In attendance of the director

Paradise East is a dark comedy about a desperately dysfunctional, lower middle class family, fiercely struggling to make it in the twentieth century. Lucky, not your typical dad, runs a coffee shop and has a difficult time dealing with the idiosyncrasies of his two sons. Ernie, the oldest, is a wannabe pimp and street hustler forever searching for the perfect angle. Chip, the baby, is unemployed with a passion for french fries and underaged girls. He is forever starting grease-fires in the kitchen, driving his father completely up the wall. David, Lucky’s fairhaired nephew, is somewhat normal and the Marilyn Minster of the group. A drifter in between jobs, he’s been dealing, unsuccessfully, with the fact that his mother was recently murdered. Enter Jane, the luscious older woman who is renting an apartment from David. She is in a relationship with Lisa, a beautiful college girl, but is also deeply interested in her troubled landlord. Life is good….

Nick Taylor US Paradise East 1:47 2011 (GP) (English without subtitles)

GP German premiere