Sun 20th 6pm

supporting film: Ofir Feldmann, Poetic Account, 1 min 8s, 2010 world premiere

“Poetic” is one of the six different personal word accounts offered by WordBank, that differ from one another in their socio-linguistic register.

ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2010 selected and presented by Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel 

Martin Earle  GB A Galaxy over there 7min 40s 2009

Ye Mimi TW They are there but I am not 6min 57s 2009

Natalia Almada F  Threshold Songs  10min 2009

Reynold Reynolds DE Letzter Tag der Republik 8min 2009

Joanna Priestly US Missed Aches 4min 2009

Marie Silkeberg  SE ÖDELÄGGELSE IV stockholm | gaza 2009 6min 55s 2009

Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl IS Höpöhöpö Böks 4min 17s 2008

Andrew Steggall  GB To the Marriage of True Minds 11min 20s 2010

Vessela Dantcheva  D/BG  Anna Blume 9min 2009

Robert Pohle, Martin Hentze DE Der Conny ihr Ponny 5min 2008