Thurs 17th 6pm

still from  L’eau, l’air et les songes by Cécile Ravel 

supporting film:

Bettina Boehm DE MO EL    11 min 27s    2010

The story involves a woman, an unidentified driver and a coyote who somehow meet somewhere in the desert and put up at an abandoned motel…   

Collectif Jeune Cinéma

in attendance of Daphné Hérétakis (Collectif Jeune  Cinéma) and Orlan Roy (filmmaker)

Clint Enns CA Back + Forth 3min 20s 2009  

Jacques Perconte FR Le Passage 6min 2009  

Robert Todd US Seeking Sunlight 5min 2010

Mark Street US Trailer Trash 5min 2009 

Cécile Ravel FR L’eau, l’air et les songes 10min 7s 2009  

Derek Woolfenden FR Black’s Back 12min 2009

Mauro Santini IT Notturno 7min 2009

Gérard Cairaschi FR Magia 6min 35s 2010

Orlan Roy FR Turquoise 21m 2009

In attendance of members of the Collectif Jeune Cinéma

total running time: 87 min