The Bellows March by Eric Dyer
“Visually and aurally mesmerizing. It is rare to see something this unique and well-realized.”
–Frank Mouris
I have dug up the zoetrope, a pre-cinema optical toy, and am using it to create and explore a visual language of loops and spirals. When spun, the complex circular sculptures, dubbed cinetropes, are a blur to the human eye but come to full animated life when viewed through shutter glasses or the lens of a fast-shutter video camera. The Bellows March runs anthropomorphized concertinas through a cycle of destroy-create-destroy, and bridges digital and physical animation processes via 3-D printed, hand-painted cinetropes.
We screened The Bellows March as part of the opening of DL7 | The Berlin International Directors Lounge.
Eric Dyer US The Bellows March 5 min 29s 2009