Une Nuit Blanche dans le 11e
video works by Fabiana Roscioli, André Werner, Julia Murakami and Alan Smithee will be shown at the Mairie du 11.e as part of Contemporary Art Ruhr in Paris during the Nuit Blanche in Paris.
A special all-media, cross-cultural exhibition featuring the highlights from our partners, the C.A.R. art fair in Essen, Germany, alongside original contemporary artworks by French artists debuting at the Mairie du 11.e 2011 on October 1, 2011 from 7pm till 1am.
Mairie du 11.e, 12, Place Léon Blum, 75536 Paris, métro : Voltaire / Léon Blum
participating artists: Michael Camellini, Claude Chuzel, Christophe Dentin, Cyril Hatt, Peter Buchwald, Marta Colombo, SebastianFritzsch, Petra Göbel, Wanja Richter-Koppitz, Hans Joachim Kasselmann, Wolfgang Kleber, Kristin Loehr, Ralf Raßloff, André Chi Sing Yuen, Valentina Boneva, Steffen Müller, Thomas Koczok, Swoboda, milz: Simon Deeg and Andreas Picker, Laudius Lazzeroni, Manuel Schroeder, Tour de Vinyl, Philipp Schumacher, Fabiana Roscioli, André Werner, Julia Murakami and Alan Smithee…