Directors Lounge screening at galerie nord
curated by klaus w. eisenlohr
loop presentation
15 – 22 January 2020
outdoors, on the street
Thursday, 5 March 2020 at 18:00
Kino Keller
Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten
Turmstraße 75, 10551 Berlin, U-Turmstraße

Performance mit 2 Diaprojektoren und 16mm Projektor, 5min
Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten
“Abstractions” presents a program of experimental film by Berlin and international artists. The films use abstractions of the “real”, which means they do not tell a fictive or documentary narration. Neither are they non-figurative film paintings. Film images on a screen, mostly created by digital or analogue means, are flat surfaces without depth, physically speaking. However, the photographic images do not just evoke symbolic interfaces, but an illusion of texture and tactility. This quality of the surface becomes even more evident, if there is no rigid plot establishing the structure of a storyline, but a fabric created by camera movements, associative montage, fast image sequences, or compositing and alteration. The image sequences generate realms of associations, and the viewer conceives the narration in their cognition of film as an audio-visual totality. As in the examples of the works “Back ande Vor” by Deborah Uhde and John D’Arcy, and “After Synchromy” by Mark Street, abstract or structural cinema may be a point of reference, but not neccesarily for the other works shown in the program. The films create their own fluid reality, connected with open references to reality, culture or politics.
Jos Diegel
Unendlicher Spannteppich (Des VIP-Empfangsraums)
2018, 35mm Experimentalfilm DV 0:45sec
Clara Bausch
Msza swieta w Altonie
2013 4:30
Matthew Pell
2011 US, 5 min
Andreas Gogol
2017, DE, 7:02
Clemens Fürtler
Bildmaschine 07
AU, 2015 Clemens Fürtler, Christian Vogel 4min
Melissa Faivre
Background World
2018, DE 7:20
Deborah Uhde / John D´Arcy & Deborah Uhde
Back ande Vor
DE-UK 2014 5:32
Mark Street
After Synchromy
USA (2015)