Tonight: 14 Feb
Tonight’s almost all-European DL Selection XIV opens the run of eye-openers Directors Lounge is known for, fresh up at 6pm. Get in to see these, including the Euro-Premiere of “Sleepwalk” by Italy’s Laura Salvini. City themes get their share of screen time, too, with DL’s Urban Research III: Subverting Leviathan, which concentrates on urban metamorphosis through uprisings in Istanbul but takes in Damascus, Tel Aviv, Belfast and more. Don’t miss this, the final curation in this specially-focused section of DL (8pm, Space B). At 9pm, let it all come at you – from “Down Under” (Australian Marian Diaz’s “Diamonds”) to “Up Over” (Juha Mäki-Jussila’s truly bizarre Finnish short “Suddenly Last Summer”), the trek from southern to northern hemisphere was never made easier (or more jarring!) than in DL Selection XV, our stab at your senses. An Indian, Belarussian and American film each will be in World Premiere, and Turkish filmmaker Özgür Özcan will be there in person with his short “Ars Gratia Artis.” Then! The Punk and Chocolate Party kicks back at everything that needs kicking with live chops from Hans am Felsen (aka HAF) bringing violin and punk together and roughboys Buman grinding out made-in-Berlin guitar growls, all rolling from 10:30pm. Put together with the offbeat club of legend, Schokoladen, this will wake any sleeping dogs. See ya there!
the complete program, 6 – 16 Feb
pictured: Francesca Fini, White Sugar, Daria Korol, Touch, Chema García Ibarra, Misterio, Lioba von den Driesch,Last Supper