Wed 12 | 10pm | stage


We apologize: Nicole Yazolino’s performance is unfortunately cancelled due to unexpected illness… take care of that voice and get well soon, girl! Team DL.


The richly expressive operatic voice of Nicole Yazolino has always itched for music beyond its admittedly soaring confines, and found it in original songs blending flourishes of opera into guitar ballads and jazzy novelties. Already a fixture with a growing cult following, the American diva nouvelle brings to [DLX] something new: an eclectic performance piece that is a mix of ambient elecronica, vocal improvisation, classical French and German art song, traditional songs and arias… a performance experience without parallel. Yazolino’s offbeat wit and onstage charm are reason enough to come out in droves, but the nuances of that voice always manage to take the evening. Yazolino herself dubs the piece “fucking cool.” Need we say more?

picture: Steffen Freiling.

DL X program