Sat 15 | 9pm | space A



Carlos Ignacio Trioni Bellone and Emiliano G. Brasca C4 01:00 2012 GP

Habib Sadaat AF Kite of Wishes 13.27 2012 WP

Marisa Crespo and Moisés Romera ES A Better Place 04:40 2013

David Munoz ES A Proposito de Ndugu / About Ndugu 16:00 2013

Bruna Capozzoli GB Mamo 13:08 2013 WP

Andrew Brand GB Something For Nothing 04:52 2013

Mohammad Farahani IR The Theft 05:00 2013 GP

Sahim Omar Kalifa BE/AE/IQ Baghdad Messi 16:00 2013

 DL X program

pictured: Baghdad Messi by Sahim Omar Kalifa; Mamo by Bruna Capozzoli

TRT 70 min

WP World premiere
EP European premiere
GP German premiere
IA in attendance