Sun 16 | 9pm | space A


The last cinelicious supper. Selected tidbits from the last 10 days, spiced up with fresh flics.

Carl Knickerbocker US SP#10 02:45 2013 WP

Fried Rosenstock DE Der Schatten Meiner Selbst 3:00 2012 WP/IA

Maria Laura Spagnoli and Werther Germondari IT Psychosofatic 04:00 2014

Lioba von den Driesch DE Last Supper 01:55 2013

Tomislav Brajnovic  “Arctic-peace”, 0,48 min.

Daxl/Fülepp/Mur “Lost City”, 3,13 min., 2011/2013

Lea Vidakovic RS Sisters 07:48 2012

Aaron Zeghers CA Living on the Edge 03:20 2013 GP

Aitor Marín Correcher ES Lovearthcam 03:21 2013

Benedikt Kruger, Sebastian Lörscher, Xaver Xylophon DE Zyklus I, 01:40 2011

Alexis Barbosa FR Mona 13:00 2013 GP

Manuel Arija ES Pequeños Electrodomésticos / Little Appliances 08:00 2012

Mateo Grubisic “Allusion” 1,20 min. 2014

Arthur Patching Il Ritorno 04:24 2012 WP/IA

DL X program.

pictured: Arthur Patching Il Ritorno 2012.

TRT 60 min

WP World premiere
EP European premiere
GP German premiere
IA in attendance