Sun 10 | 09:30 pm


pictured: Birol Ünel 

in attendance of Miron Zownir (director), cast and crew

A once-celebrated actor (Birol Ünel) is well past his glory days. Addicted to alcohol and as intoxicated as Bacchus, he disappoints his last remaining fans with a badly-performed reading in a Berlin nightclub…

Only his agent (Milton Welsh) is in denial about his megastar’s washout. An altercation breaks out with the bar manager (Timo Jacobs) and his bouncer, Eddie (Rummelsnuff).

with Birol Ünel, Milton Welsh, Rummelsnuff, Timo Jacobs, Natalia Avelon, Philipp Virus, Peter Wawerzinek, Michael Gleich, Gloria Viagra, Aljkzidnyr Narmer, Fabio Boxikus, Wolfgang Keck, Oliver K. Voigt, Julia Murakami , André Werner , Chris Hughes, Tom Edon, Carola Göllner, Jessica Grohlik, Afro Hesse, King Khan

Miron Zownir DE Absturz 19:00 2012 b/w, German w/ English subtitles