Sun 14th 6:00 pm

The European image of Latin America, especially of Mexico is distorted; the mainstream media only repeats those images situated between the extremes of violence and poverty, and of exoticism on ethnic culture. Little does their audience get to know about the traditions of Latin modernism and maybe even less of the contemporary art scene. This program has an emphasis on works from and about Mexico City, but also features a work by the Cuban artist Adrian Melis, and a Spanish film about Bogota. All films take a critical and at the same time fresh and humorous view on urban themes. The glimpses on daily life through the artist’s camera may tell more about realities in urban life than television reports or news images.

Juan delGado UK/ES The Flickering Darkness 13min 32sec 2009

Stefan Demming DE The edge of the city 30min 00sec 2007

Verena Grimm Machtstrukturen 02min 32sec 2007

Markus Soukup UK TO OR AT A DISTANCE 10min 01sec 2009

Adrian Melis CU The making of fourty rectangular piece for a floor constuction 05min 30sec 2009

Jose Matiella+Ivan Meza MX Sintia 04min 28sec

Fernando Llanos MX Citta 03min 32sec 2004

Beatriz+CarlosMatiella MX Vecinos 02min 43sec

Beatriz+CarlosMatiella MX Buda 03min 06sec

Hector Falcon MX Simulacro 0min 41sec 2005

Verena Grimm La + Rocha 13min 45sec 2007

Verena Grimm La + Rocha

Special Loop Feature:

Anna Staffel DE Documenta12 13min 23sec 2009

Anna Staffel Documenta 12

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