Thurs 17th 8:30pm

The experiment was a success: protomatter exists.
Chema Garcia Ibarra  ES    Protoparticles

Ron Diorio US The Sick Passenger 2 min 11s 2009 world premiere
Patricia Delso Lucas  ES Just to call you dad 15 min 2009
Sergio Cruz UK    Hannah    5 min30s 2010
Neil Needleman US My First Science Fiction Movie 3 min 57s 2010
Penny Lane US The Voyagers    16 min 30s    2010 
Andrea Dojmi and Lorenzo Bona IT Ely 14 min 2010 
Derviches Associés FR Acting 5 min 35s 2010
Jorge Rodrigo  ES  La Cinta 19 min 2010
Chema Garcia Ibarra  ES    Protoparticles    7 min 20s 2009

total running time: 90 min