Sun 13th 8pm

Alexei Dmitriev will show his TITS at Directors Lounge!

We all love TITS. But we donʼt talk about it openly, because in our society it is complicated to express it as such affection is not always welcome. It is also a challenge to find the films that depict TITS properly.
So the aim of this program was to gather the films that make TITS their main subject. The angle the artist looks at TITS can be different: copyright, violence, media, politics, etc., still the topic stays the same. Oh, and TITS stands for To Insult The State.

Keith Sanborn US The Artwork in the Age of its Mechanical Reproducibility by Walter Benjamin as told to Keith Sanborn 5min 1996

Jean-Gabriel Périot FR The Barbarians 5min 2010

Elías León Siminiani ES The Commute 12min 30s 2009

Bryan Konefsky US Fertile Ground Corporate Slug 4min 2010

Maximilian Westphal DE The New Killing Fields 13min 2004-2009 

Till Penzek and Jon Frickey DE Keine Angst vorm Endlager! 2min 20s 2008

Pilvi Takala FI Real Snow White 9min 15s 2009

Derek Woolfenden FR Blackʼs Back 12min 2009

KRONCK DE Thank You Third World 3min 30s 2009

total running time:  66min 35s