The last night at [DL8], the 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge, brings counter-culture out of the dark and into the (dark) screening room. At 18:00 (6pm), the master of the cut-up method William S. Burroughs is dissected and reassembled inYony Leyser’s “The Man Within”, a 90-minute journey into the vast brainscape of the author whose jarring book The Naked Lunch twisted 20th literature into a pretzel of its former self. Along for the trip, in interviews and never-before-seen footage: Iggy Pop, Jello Biafra, Patti Smith, Laurie Anderson, David Cronenberg and more. Born Chicagoer Leyser will himself be in attendance. With the following Farewell Mix I, we will honour assorted works from the last ten days.
When John Waters, who also appears in The Man Within, deems someone’s work “violent, perverted art films from Hell” and adds “He’s my kind of director!”, you know you’re onto the real McCoy. Waters was enthusing about another counter-culture legend: Nick Zedd, whose self-named Cinema of Transgression movement corralled like-minded left-field luminaries like Lydia Lunch under a single banner. At 21:00 (9pm), Zedd will be personally on hand to present his own shock value shorts of choice.Titles like They Eat Scum and Whoregasm, which count among Zedd’s past works, give you a taste of what he’s about. At 22:00 (10pm), there will be the second part of the Farewell Mix leading into our From Dusk Till Dawn party, with DJ Grammophon and general bedlam. May this night never end. Be there for the shake-up, in Naherholung Sternchen, Berolinastr. 7 (U-Schillingstr., two buildings behind Kino International). KT/Team DL
pictured: How To Make A David Lynch Film by Joe McClean as part of the Farewell Mix I at 8 pm