Miron Zownir (left) and Birol Ünel , photo: Nico Anfuso
An Evening with Miron Zownir and Birol Ünel
Actor Birol Ünel (Head On, Soulkitchen) reads bizarre short stories and hard boiled poetry from Miron Zownir’s book PARASITEN DER OHNMACHT.
Empathetic and venturous at the same time, he sets out on a fearless descent into existential nightmares of paranoia, violence and corruption, taking us right into the bleak souls of the lost and twisted…
“Social Beat on the highest level!” OX FANZINE
“Miron Zownir’s parasites have a future and this is frightening.” JUNGE WELT/Literary supplement Frankfurt Book Fair
Birol Ünel liest Miron Zownir-Parasiten der Ohnmacht has also been recently released as an audio book with a soundtrack by FM Einheit (Ex-Einstürzende Neubauten) by Deutsche Grammophon Literatur/Universal.
Sun 12 | 10pm, admission: 5 Euro